Mar 26, 2006 21:25
hmmm well i need to let some things out i guess, well every one says me and jamiee cant be,its to hard, it cant be done, but u know what the funny thing is, ive found some thing out today... theres nothing u people can think or say that will make me change my mind about being with jamiee.. i love her more then any one can ever imagine or could possible think of loving some one and quite franckly i dont give a shit if u think other wise cause all i want is for me and jamiee to be with each other and be happy with each other and love each other for ever.. see i had this dream about me and her and well it went some thing like this... do u take the as ur wife through thick and thing..(yes) < i think thats how it goes..but any way thats how i see me and jamiee i see us being married and being happy till the end of time its self and well all i can say any more is that I LOVE U JAMIEE I ALWAYS WILL AND ALWAYS HAVE..