(no subject)

Apr 22, 2012 03:45

So I've worked out something about how my brain works! Yay!

Except that it is that my brain on completist information binges. This was fine when I was obsessed with was Michelangelo's Last Judgement and I was writing as essay on it, because I wrote a brilliant essay.

I have several important assignments on at the moment, and my brain has decided to be completist about Leigh Butler's awesome re-read of the Wheel of Time. Argh!

Also, I can't sleep. Bah! I have to work out how to get my brain in line tomorrow. I have a plan, though, which is good.

Today was kind of put off kilter by moving forward and making plans to get through the otherwise /o\ family drama.

I have to remember to manage how other people's brains work as well.

This is like growing up or something similarly annoying.

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