Teh Cooking Projekt

Feb 26, 2008 18:11

Apparently, idle hands get up to no good (viz. RPing, WoW, agit-prop, etc.)
So, for once, I decided to start a project during the Winter Holidays: Cooking at least one thing every day and photo-documenting it.
As well as the two things I've made today, I made a tomato tart and an apple/orange/lemon/rhum/cinammon cake, but sadly, no traces remain 24h later.

Every French kid has had this cake: the gâteau au yaourt. It's insanely easy to make (so perfect after having baked absolutely nothing since early September) but very very boring.
Since discovering Teh Seekrit Ingredient and making it with chocolate chips and pieces of pear, my brother has decided it's his favourite cake of all times.

Adding a small banana, really mashed up and mixed in as well as possible makes it much lighter and moister than any other method. Whisking up the egg whites just makes it dry and bland, imo.
After being cooked, it's practically impossible to detect the banana (even knowing it's there, I have a hard time). As far as I know, no-one else uses this method. Ergo, it is a very good method.

Baking it was a bit of a hassle. As I had lost the original recipe (who'd've thought it'd be so easy to lose a scrap of paper with a scribbled recipe after having stuck it in a book five years previously?), I had to rely on the internets for cooking time & temperature. it turns out that covering the tin is silver foil ot prevent the cake from colouring too rapidly is a waste of time. It slows down the cooking way too much and might cause the cake to burn too easily.

I assumed my brother would like it better covered in frosting an hundreds & thousands.

Evidence would tend to suggest that I was right.

I also made an apple tart, requested by my mother to take to a party tonight for one of her students leaving for Brazil.

Tonight: Chicken Risotto!
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