you tell doctors and other medical care professionals that they can refuse to do things like dispense medication or refuse to administer treatments because "they don't agree with them" or it "goes against their religion." It's a pretty small step for some personality types to go from "no I won't give you your pills" to "wooops... looks like your IUD came out while I was messin' with it, but it's okay 'cause I think they're evil. Hahaha, isn't that funny?"
First and foremost DO YOUR JOB OR GTFO! I don't f***ing care WHAT you personally think about someone's chosen medical treatment decisions, you DO NOT have the right to pull s*** like this: Were something like this happened to either myself or my wife, that would be then end of that person's ability to make a living. By the time I finished with them not only would they owe me every penny they would make for the rest of their life, but their prospects for future employment would likely revolve around pan-handling or subway musician as I would do my damnedest to make absolutely certain that they were prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows. There is NO excuse for this kind of behavior AT ALL!
While I don't typically advocate violence, I think someone should punch this woman squared in the face and then proceed to tell her "I don't believe in allowing bigots to walk around without broken noses, so it's okay."
I also find it somewhat disconcerting that she claimed that IUDs are a form of abortion when, as best as my research has been able to turn up, that is pretty much false... *sigh* Some people just don't deserve to have been born.