Apr 10, 2009 01:10
Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People. (but don't say their name)
10. I miss you even though things between us aren't any different
9. I can never forgive you
8. I wish you could have realized then that she wasn't right for you... that way you could still be part of my life
7. You're one of my best friends but I've got a lot of shit to deal with and can't always be there... and I'm sorry for that
6. I have an awkward "we could never date but you're fucking adorable" crush on you
5. We used to be really close and I miss that. But you've changed so much I don't see that happening
4. Please stop creeping on all your friends... you're going to push them away
3. Get over yourself. I love you but you're not that special
2. You're not this ugly, messed up monster you make yourself out to be
1. We were never great friends but I've always been able to confide in you and you've always been there for me. You have no idea how much I appreciate everything you've done for me
Nine things about myself:
9. I'm an artist
8. I drink whiskey like it's my job
7. I have panic attacks... a lot
6. I don't enjoy sleeping half as much as I say I do
5. I have a lot of problems I'll never tell you about unless I've downed at least half a fifth of whiskey
4. I look adorable in my glasses
3. But I prefer to wear my contacts
2. I love metal
1. I'm going to be a tattoo artist one day
Eight ways to win my heart.
8. Love me for me
7. Don't change to what you think I want you to be
6. Don't expect me to change for you
5. Be able to hold a conversation
4. Listen
3. Similar tastes in music doesn't hurt :)
2. Have faith in me and my dreams... I'll reciprocate
1. Don't be boring
Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
7. Sex
6. Music
5. My disdain for the human race
4. Art
3. Moving
2. Things from the past
1. My future
Six things I do before I fall asleep
6. Pee
5. Put on pajamas
4. Set and alarm
3. Take contacts out
2. Get a huge thing of water
1. Stretch
Five people who mean a lot.
5. Monte
4. Alyssa
3. Elissa
2. Patrick
1. My brothers
Four things you're wearing right now.
4. Pajama pants
3. Socks
2. White tank top
1. Black hoodie
Three songs that you listen to often.
3. Play Crack The Sky :: Brand New
2. Lie :: Black Light Burns
1. Call Me :: Shinedown
Two things you want to do before you die.
2. Get tattooed by the best
1. Be completely honest with every person important to me
One confession.
1. I don't think I'm as great as I say