shag, cliff, and marry: Supernatural edition

Oct 16, 2010 18:22

1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people (I will pick only fictional
people for you, let me know if you're open to me including ladies in your three)
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and cliff.

because aeon_entwined is an evil, evil, wonderful creature...

Sam Winchester, Lucifer, and Balthazar

Shag: Lucifer.

For me, the shagging of the Morningstar goes without saying, assuming he wouldn't kill me outright for being human and daring to sully God's favorite archangel with my nasty little not-angel-flesh. I guess all that sex with Michael and Gabriel has spoiled him
Lucifer is an intriguing mixture of tender, brutal, and dominant, with a manipulative streak a mile wide and a subtle/understated sexiness in the way he talks and carries himself that gets under my skin and makes me all wriggly. As if that were not enough, he's beautiful and powerful and he's got thousands of years of issues all bottled up in that pretty little exterior.
If that doesn't make for dynamite in the fucking sack, I don't know what would.
(there's also the matter of me being ridiculously attracted to the Devil for reasons I'm not entirely comfortable thinking about; I fell in love with him in all his broken, stubborn, self-destructive, angst-tacular glory when I read Paradise Lost)

His capacity for complete, overwhelming love would make him a candidate for "marry" and I'd have no problem sharing him with his brothers, but sadly, he's already married to his spectacular daddy issues.

Cliff: Balthazar.

Above: Balthazar offers Cas a roofie

Don't get me wrong, I like Balthazar - I really, really, honestly do. He's fun and sexy in an odd, interesting way, and I like his style, but my heart already belongs to a snarky, finger-snapping, eyebrow-arching, menage-a-douze-having angel.
His name is Gabriel.
(I don't mean to imply that Balthazar is necessarily a Gabriel rip-off - their personalities are different and their motivations are different - but there's enough similarity there that comparisons are inevitable, and it reminds me of what I'm missing. /pines)

Marry: Sam Winchester
Obviously, I'm talking about Sammy, not that poor broken shell who returned from the Cage.

I'm not sayin' Sam ain't ass-full of character defects... We're hard on him, Dean, we've always been, but in the meantime he's been running into burning buildings since he was twelve... Sam's got a darkness in him, I'm not sayin' he don't, but he's got a Hell of a lot of good in him, too.
- Bobby Singer, episode 5.21

There are four qualities that I prize above all else when it comes to the people I'm with: intelligence, devotion, playfulness, and a serious capacity to love (with all the kindness that goes hand in hand with that particular trait.
Sam Winchester is funny, sweet, smart, geeky, passionate, and generally adorable, with the added benefits of fitting one of my two favorite physical types so perfectly it's scary and being an absolute bombshell between the sheets.
Yes, he's bitchy, emotional, and errs on the side of communicating/talking too much about problems, but experience has taught me that those are flaws I can deal with. The only things about Sam that really concern me are his intermittent selfish tendencies, the ease with which he lies and decieves the people he's close to, and the fact that he left the only people he had in the world behind (although given the circumstances I can't say I blame him).
When it comes right down to it, though, Sam Winchester is a decent, loving human being, and I think I'd be goddamn lucky to have someone like him.

My ideal shag/cliff/marry, by the way, is
Lovemakey nice sex: Dean Winchester
Shag: Sam Winchester
Fuck: Sam Winchester and Gabriel. Best. Threesome. Ever.
Cliff: the Ghostfacers
Marry: Castiel. That's lovemaking, shagging, fucking, companionship, devotion, kisses and love for life, in a package that just so happens to be shaped like one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen.
(you know the two favorite physical types I mentioned earlier? Sam is a perfect fit for one, Cas a perfect fit for the other)

memeage, sam bitchfaces his way through sex, morningstar!love, fandom owns my soul, stuff what i thinks with my thinker, season six, a few of my favorite things

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