
Oct 09, 2010 16:42

Due to shenanigans involving the wireless hookup of a Nintendo Wii and the people I live with being silly, I didn't catch 6.03 when it aired. I figured I'd be okay waiting a few more hours until iTunes had it up for download, since they usually have it available by 3 am the following day. Not so much this time around.
They finally put it up for purchase this afternoon.

- the recap:
- creepy Sam is creepy, and watches you while you're unconscious. Seriously, he looks like Captain Pervypants of the Pedo-van Brigade.

- it's peanut-butter-plaguey time, motherfuckers! I love it when this show goes all Old Testament.

- is can there be more shirtless Dean naow? Kthx.

- Jared Padalecki. Oh, my dear sweet God in Heaven, Jared Padalecki. Put your shirt back on, put it back on right now. Men who look like you aren't supposed to exist - shit, I don't even like really muscular guys normally - you make me all superficial and shallow and grabby and go straight to my lizard-brain and dammit, you are a married man and I'm not supposed to be this jealous of your beautiful, adorable wife.
*whimpers* I don't know how he's doing it, but he's getting hotter and hotter as time passes. I think the word "magnificent" is appropriate.

- bitch plz. You pay Sammy, not the other way around.

- side effects of being occupied by Lucifer may include dizziness, sweating, dry mouth, gratuitous hotness, and persistent, potentially incurable douchebaggery.

- this ten plagues of Egypt thing they've got going on here is tickling the Bible-nerd part of my brain in delicious, delicious ways.

- "Were you racing me?"
"No, I was kickin' your ass."
that whole sequence made me squeal. Metallicar trumps your silly little Skyline, or whatever make that Batmobile-ripoff happens to be. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against his douche-mobile (it looks a lot like the black Sentra I own, drive, and love), but you're trying too hard, Sammy. Get back in the passenger seat.

- Hot damn, Ed! Them's some crazy-ass crazy eyes.

- Ten points for inventive use of locusts.

- has anyone else noticed Sam's ridiculously sculpted eyebrows? There's some serious business manscaping going on up in there.

- Dean's prayer to Cas: good stuff, worth at least a few giggles.
When Cas answered Dean's call, the part of me that ships Dean/Cas started flailing and squealing like there was no tomorrow. The part of me that ships Sam/Cas, on the other hand, died a little, and went off to find some ice cream and cry in a corner.

Season 6 has officially begun.

- "Dean and I do share a more profound bond. I wasn't going to mention it."
... Yeah. About that.
a. The writers are taunting us. All of them. Taunting us.
b. Hate to break it to you, Sammy, but the dude who called you an abomination and sacrificed his angel-hood for your brother miiiiiiight like him a little more. Maybe. Just a smidgeon.
c. Dean's face. at that moment. That's a face that spawns a thousand fics, right there.
d. I sense the potential for some first class angry/angsty Sassy sex. I'll percolate.

- Theory about potential for growly, bitey Sassy sex reinforced about 45 seconds later. Hell, that could be extrapolated to growly, bitey everyone sex with a little tweaking.

- "You think I came because you called?"
Ouch, Cas. Ouch.

- ... since when has Cas discovered hair-gel? Give me my archangelic bed-head back. I'll wait.
*taps foot impatiently*

- "I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect" made me laugh 'til my stomach ached. *smishes Cas* I missed youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

- Did Dean just say "disco stick"? *rewinds episode a bit* Yep, Dean just said "disco stick".
I'm blaming the Gaga corruption entirely on Sam and the Campbells.

- I absolutely love the direction all this stuff about stolen Heavenly weapons is headed in. Pweeeeeease oh pwease oh pwease can there be questing? I promise to be good and not read or write any dub-con for a whole month! and by a month, I mean a week, but that's still a sacrifice.

- *wriggles* Oh, bamf!Cas, I get all tingly when you start laying down the law with the five-dollar words like that.

- a sawed-off Staff of Moses? Really? REALLY?

- Sam's down with kid torture now, eh? I've said this before, and I'll say it again. After what's happened to him, I would kick the writers if he wasn't like this, but sometimes I really miss the warm, annoying, endearingly emotional Sasquatch with a heart of gold who spent five seasons stealing my heart.

- "I can't care about that, Dean. I don't have the luxury."
*wibbles* The fics, they are practically writing themselves at this point.

- Jumping-out-window-bamf!Cas: 1. Douchemobile: 0.
Laughed 'til I cried.

- Who's on first joke! Oh, Show, you and your references. *affectionately nuzzles it*

- Raphael's trying to get the Apocalypse back online, you say? There's a little glimmer of impossible hope in my chest that Lucifer might come back. Oh, please, does want.

- Ashamed Cas is ashamed. I want to cuddle him.

- It's stag night at the angel disco. First one through the door gets complimentary buttsecks!

- Balthazar. Aaaaah, Balthazar.
(yoinked from my comment on tiptoe39's journal) One of the reasons why I loved this episode so much was because of the contrast it shows between the hedonist angels - Balthazar and Gabriel. I've seen a lot of questions about why Gabriel doesn't qualify as fallen, and I think Balthazar provides the answer for many of them. Gabriel left out of love and a refusal to choose between his brothers. Balthy, on the other hand, left because the shit got real, which would be understandable were it not for the fact that he stole a bunch of God's shit before he left. Now, he occupies his time by doing whatever the fuck he wants and hoarding souls. Gabriel's role as the Trickster, on the other hand, reflects his role as the Archangel of Judgment; it's a bit on the inverted, perverse side, but it could still be construed as him carrying out Divine Will.
In that capacity, I liked Balthazar's characterization, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of him.

- You say, "Balthazar", I say, "new piece of angel to play with." *leafs through list of possibilities* Mmmmmm, who to pair you with, my british-accented pretty? Castiel is the obvious choice, but I'm thinking something a little more subtle.

- douze, Balthazar. You had a menage-a-douze, you smooth bastard. I like you already, you remind me a little of Gabriel. Until he lights up my life again, you'll do nicely.

- Hel-lo, Raphael. It's good to have you back, my velvet-voiced beauty. I must warn you, though, if you keep beating my darling little blue-eyed angel-muffin up, I'll be terribly cross with you.

- Goddamn, the new kid has style. I'm a little sad that Raphael just lost that lovely vessel, but if it's between him and Cas, there's no contest. I spent the entirety of this episode from Castiel's entrance to the end wanting to give him a hug, sit him down with some cocoa, and have a nice, soothing Talk.

- that talk between Sam and Dean left a funny taste in my mouth. Granted, I've always got a funny taste in my mouth these days thanks to the clarithryomycin, but this was an entirely new animal.

Overall reaction: Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! Were this episode a person, I would be mighty tempted to drop down on one knee and propose marriage to it. We've got new faces, old faces, old faces that are going to require new faces, and a world of possibility.
Congratulations, season 6. You're on your way.

episode reaction, dean!love, stuff what i thinks with my thinker, season six, castiel thinks this is srs bznss, supernatural, sam bitchfaces his way through sex, fandom owns my soul

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