Slide (schmoop bingo 22/27)

Sep 28, 2010 07:05

Title: Slide (22nd chapter in the sequence of events, 12th chapter posted thus far)
Pairing: girl!Dean/girl!Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: schmoop, genderswap, genderswap femmeslash, explicit oral sex, and Gabriel being himself.
Spoilers: none. Set in September, a year after Dean and Castiel's first kiss in this 'verse.
Word Count: 1281
Disclaimer: They aren't mine. This never happened. If it did, I'd sell tickets.

Summary: Getting your partner the same anniversary present they get you is either awkward, amusing, or hot. Or, when the archangel Gabriel is involved, all three at once.

Author's Note: for the "anniversary - perfect gift" square of my schmoop bingo card.
- I've had this and its companion piece written for over a month, and I'm sick and tired of sitting on them while I wait for my writer's block to stop being stubborn, so I'm posting them out of order. They don't contain any spoilers for the events that happen around them - knowledge of Brilliant Soul and its sequel Payback's a Winchester, the little ficlets that got this whole schmoop bingo ball rolling, is all that's required to understand the full sequence of events (but they aren't necessary until the next chapter).

What you feel is what you are

and what you are is beautiful

On the morning of his and Castiel's first anniversary, Dean woke up next to the sexiest woman he'd ever seen. She was naked, spread over his sheets in all her long-limbed glory, wavy black hair spilling out around her and highlighting the smooth, milky perfection of her skin. Her face was beautiful, with voluptuous, sensual features, and when his eyes trailed down her slender neck to her absolutely glorious breasts, Dean thought he might have a heart attack.
Gorgeous as she was, though, she wasn't his angel, and a sudden wave of panic snapped him out of his sleepy, horny haze. Dean sat up, pressing fingers into his temples as he tried to remember what he'd done last night and what had happened to Castiel.

His motions disturbed his bed-mate's rest; the lovely stranger shifted, turning towards him as her huge eyes fluttered open. They were bluer than blue could ever hope to be, and deep enough for a man to lose himself in, with a calm peace behind them that soothed Dean's soul. He'd only ever met one person with eyes like that in his life, and they couldn't belong to anyone else.


The woman stared for a minute with a stunned expression before ducking her -- his, Dean reminded himself -- head, looking up at him shyly through a fan of long, dark lashes.

Dean turned his head away, cursing softly as his eyes came to rest on his own reflection, taking in short blonde hair, big green eyes, high cheekbones, full lips, and small, shapely breasts.

Oh, shit.

Castiel was chewing anxiously on the swell of his lower lip, worrying the dark pink skin with his teeth as he stared a hole in the side of Dean's head.

"I'll be right back, beautiful," Dean said, pressing a quick kiss to Castiel's forehead before pulling on a t-shirt (that now fit him like a damn dress; he'd lost at least ten inches of height) and stomping down the hall to find Gabriel.

The archangel wasn't in Sam's room, so Dean made a beeline for the kitchen. Gabriel was leaning against the counter stirring an obscene amount of sugar into his coffee; Dean stalked over to him, ignoring Sam, Crowley, and Bobby's looks of shock as he glared up at Gabriel.

"Looking good there, stubby," Gabriel said with a grin.

Dean grabbed Gabriel by the arm in an attempt to drag him off, but to Dean's dismay he didn't have the physical strength to move him.
"Come on, Gabriel, don't be a dick. We need to talk."

"Alright, Dean," Gabriel said, following Dean out of the room, "I've never been one to refuse a lady."

As soon as they were out of earshot, Dean rounded on him in all his tiny fury.

"Why is Castiel a woman?"

"Because he asked me to turn him into one for a day. Specifically, for today."

"I asked for the same thing, you asshole," Dean spat, motioning to his own feminine body. "Seriously, Gabriel, why did you do this to us? You could have said something."

"You both asked so nicely, and I couldn't say anything without ruining the surprise. If I'd said no to either one of you, there would have been hell to pay. I wasn't going to do that to you, Dean - after all, I have to live with you two meatheads. Plus, it was kinda cute how much you wanted to please each other."

Gabriel smiled and winked at Dean.

"If you really want to argue about this, we can do it later. There's a beautiful woman in your bed. Don't keep her waiting. And if you want to take pictures..."

Dean stuck out his tongue and flipped Gabriel off before turning on his heels and heading back to his room.

When he opened the door, Castiel was sitting on the bed looking utterly dejected.
Dean sat down on the bed next to him and slipped an arm around his slender waist.

"What's wrong, baby?"

Castiel's voice was low and sweet, with a slightly husky quality to it that reminded Dean of smoker's gravel and whiskey.
"I wanted to make our first anniversary perfect, Dean; I know how much you love being with women, and I wanted to know that side of you, to learn what it is to be with you like that. I want to experience everything with you, Dean, and I... if the way I look doesn't please you, I can talk to Gabriel - he said this is what my vessel would look like as a woman, and I'd hoped you would find it attractive, but I'm sure he'd be willing to alter it if you ---"

Dean silenced Castiel with the press of a delicate finger to his lips, marvelling at how soft the skin was.
"Cas, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my whole damn life, and your present means," he trailed off, searching for words, "a lot to me."

He smiled softly at his lover, resting his forehead gently against Castiel's.
"There's so much you haven't done, Cas, and I wanted to give you the chance to find out what it's like to have sex with a woman, so I asked Gabriel if he could help me out."

"What are we going to do, now?"

Dean's fingers traced a pattern up Castiel's side to his breast, then dragged along the swell, softly pinching a rosy nipple; the angel's breathless gasp of his name sent need coursing through Dean's body, dancing along the unfamiliar curves and valleys before pooling low and deep in his belly.

"I can think of something," Dean purred, shifting his head slightly to learn the taste of girl-Castiel's mouth.

To Dean's delight, Castiel was still just as sensitive, and the noises he made as Dean explored his new body were driving Dean wild. Dean tried to take his time, but Castiel's moans and the seductive arch of his hips led Dean's hands and mouth down the gentle slope of Castiel's stomach until his fingertips were skating along the insides of Castiel's thighs, breath playing over the sensitive flesh.

Gabriel had taken liberties with their personal grooming; Castiel was completely smooth, and Dean couldn't resist the temptation to press kiss after kiss to the soft mound. Castiel froze, shaking as the heat of Dean's lips dipped lower, crying out when the wet slide of Dean's tongue found his clit.

The angel tasted like fucking Heaven beneath his mouth, writhing and begging with pretty little groans as Dean took him apart, licking and sucking until Castiel came with a high, rough scream. Dean pinned Castiel's hips to the bed as he shuddered through the contractions of his orgasm, until, with a final shiver, the angel lay still.

Dean crawled up the mattress to snuggle into Castiel's much taller body, finding out for the first time in his life what it was like to be a properly sized "little spoon" as Castiel wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled into his neck with a contented sigh.

"Dean," Castiel whispered in his ear.
Dean turned to face Castiel.
"Yeah, babe?"

Castiel blushed, mouth curving to form a shy smile.
"Could I... could I do that to you?"

A mental picture of himself with insanely hot girl-Castiel's head between his thighs, looking up at him with those gorgeous eyes as her pouty lips wrapped around his clit, flashed through Dean's mind. He stifled a little moan and nodded consent, making a note to thank Gabriel for the unintentionally perfect gift and a lifetime of spank-bank material as Castiel kissed down his body.

Chapter Twenty-Three: For Your Entertainment

genre: schmoop, kink: genderswap, schmoop bingo (2010), series: snuggy-wuggums bear, kink: girl!dean, rating: nc-17, fanfiction, kink: girl!cas, supernatural, genre: femmeslash, pairing: dean/castiel

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