
Sep 25, 2010 03:49

After discovering that the CW's schedule is devoid of Supernatural season 6 premiere re-plays for the next few days, I scurried over to the iTunes store and got my hot little hands on 6.01.

I wanted to jot down my initial impressions for future reference - sometimes, it takes me a while and a couple repeat viewings to figure out what I think of an episode in detail. I'll probably end up making a habit of it.

I'm too tired to be particularly witty or coherent about this, so I'm just going to get to it.

- loved the opening montage. Is it just me, or is Jensen getting even better-looking as he ages?

- enjoyed the details they chose to include that highlighted the difference between Dean's old life and the one he has with Lisa. Seeing him turn down a gorgeous tattooed girl and refer to himself as unavailable was just... bizarre. Granted, we've never seen him in a relationship before, and never heard of him screwing around on anyone, but still. That's Dean Winchester, Lord of the horizontal mambo, master of the one-night stand, being all fidelity-y and tamed. Weeeeeeird.

- Speaking of which, his tenderness toward Lisa at the beginning made me warm and fuzzy.

- Azazel's return, hallucination or not, was one of the biggest WTF moments I've had in a long, long time, and that "sugar" line of his made me all wriggly. Gaaaaah, I pine for that character.

- does anyone on this show ever stay dead? Seriously, the writers play with the afterlife like Pamela Anderson plays with breast implants, and I don't know how I feel about it. My suspension of disbelief can handle Sammy, because without him, there's no show, but Samuel Campbell, too? That's a little much.

- For the record, Big Daddy Campbell has some of the strangest eyebrows I've ever seen.

- it's so good to see Bobby again, even if it was only for a minute.

- my heart broke for Lisa, but I took some solace in the fact that they didn't kill her outright.

- I miss Sam. I'm not quite sure what to make of this new Sammy yet, and I want more time with him. He's acting so different than the Sam I've come to know - so much like Dean (before his year with Lisa) actually, minus the qualities that make Dean endearing - and it's strange to see him closed-off, unemotional, and missing the warmth and mannerisms I associate with his character. I'm interested to see how he develops, and very curious about whether or not this change is due to his time in the Pit, to all the demon-blood he drank before taking on Lucifer, or to something else.

- it hurts so much to see Sam and Dean like this; it reminds me of their dynamic in 2.20, where they're practically strangers.

- the writing seemed weak and contradictory towards the end - it wasn't awful, but it was enough to jar me (and some of the dialogue was just painful)

- I really, really miss Castiel.

- unimportant aside: I loved those shifting tattoos.

Overall reaction: neutral, leaning towards positive. Not earth-shatteringly amazing, not horrible; a decent bit of exposition. Reserving judgment on/speculation about the season as a whole until I see more, and have a better idea of where all this is headed. Is it next Friday yet?

episode reaction, fandom owns my soul, stuff what i thinks with my thinker, season six, supernatural

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