Insatiable (schmoop bingo 7/27)

Aug 16, 2010 04:21

Oh, dear... it seems my kink is showing.

Title: Insatiable (7/27)
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: pwp, explicit sex, marking, biting, schmoop.
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 807
Disclaimers: Not mine, never happened, no profit made.

Summary: Sam + Gabriel + a seemingly innocuous prompt = passion, possessiveness and porn wrapped in schmoop and topped off with kink.

Author's Note: for the "kiss" square (card and masterpost here). Sequel to Have You Ever Seen the Rain?.

We built our church above the street
we practice love between these sheets
the candy-sweetness scent of you

it bathes my skin, I'm stained in you

Agile, soft lips came together in a passionate clash before parting, followed by the sinful slide of tongues and the sharp catch and drag of teeth against slick, swollen flesh.

No matter how or where their kisses started, they always led to the same place, with Gabriel and Sam tangled together in silken sheets, naked skin against naked skin as they lost themselves in each other's mouths.

Gabriel tasted dark, rich, and spicy, with a hint of sweetness echoing the candy he constantly ate, and Sam couldn't get enough of it.

Turning his attention to the flavor of Gabriel's skin, Sam's lips traveled over the lines of Gabriel's neck and collarbone; Sam knew exactly how his archangel liked to be licked, sucked, bitten, and touched, and he loved making him come undone.

"Oh, Sam," Gabriel gasped as Sam's head dipped lower to lick a hot, wet stripe over his nipple, followed by the twisting pressure of teeth. Nails dug into Sam's shoulder as Gabriel writhed beneath him, leaving trails of raised, red streaks.

"Mark me, Gabriel," Sam groaned against his skin, "I want you to leave something behind that won't heal or fade."

Fisting a hand in his lover's hair, Gabriel pulled Sam up to him, eyes suddenly dark and serious as Gabriel claimed his lips in a searing kiss. Without breaking the contact, Gabriel maneuvered their bodies, pushing and pulling and perpetrating more than one blatant violation of the laws of physics and human flexibility, the end result of which was an upright Sam sitting cross-legged with Gabriel straddling his lap. When Gabriel reached a hand down to coat the thick hardness of Sam's erection with the conjured lube coating his palm, Sam arched his head back, baring the sensitive skin of his neck to Gabriel as he moaned.

Sam barely had time to register the press of Gabriel's entrance against the head of his cock before the archangel slammed down, sheathing Sam in the tight heat of his body.
Hands splayed across Gabriel's back as he shifted, rolling his hips in a slow, tantalizing rhythm and savoring the noises Sam made in response.

Gabriel sealed his lips over Sam's pulse point, sucking a bruise there before moving to Sam's ear.

"Is this what you want, Sammy," Gabriel whispered, flicking his tongue against the lobe.

Sam reached out, taking one of Gabriel's hands in his own and fitting it over his shoulder. It took Gabriel a second to realize what Sam was doing, and when it dawned on him, he shook his head.
"My little brother's mark lacks finesse. I'm going to give you something a little more subtle."

Gabriel locked eyes with Sam and sank down, taking Sam's entire length inside him.

"Do you trust me, Sam?"


"This is going to hurt, but I'll make it good for you. Promise."

Gabriel picked up the pace, riding Sam faster as he sucked Sam's lower lip into his mouth, biting down and murmuring a few words in Enochian.
A flare of blinding pain blossomed through Sam's nerves, intensifying until he was crying out, fingers clutching at Gabriel's back and leaving bloody crescents in their wake. Through a haze of endorphins and the piercing burn of his flesh, Sam could feel the perfect friction of Gabriel's body around him as the archangel slid along his cock, agony and ecstasy combining in a whole that was too much for Sam to bear. The next ten seconds of Sam's life were a blur of convulsions and impossible pleasure that whited out the world behind his eyes, followed by black, blissful peace.

When Sam came back to Earth, he was lying on his back with Gabriel combing fingers through his hair. His lip throbbed softly with the memory of the recent pain; Sam touched his tongue to the ache and felt a network of raised lines.

"I've marked you with my seal, Sam. Every time you speak, every time we kiss, every time your tongue touches the inside of your lip, you'll be reminded of the fact that you're mine."

Gabriel nudged Sam's mouth open, gently running his tongue over the fresh scar.
Pleasure sparked through Sam; in the aftermath, his body hummed with impossible arousal.
"There's a bit of my grace there, so I'll always be able to find you. It also has the added perk of..." Gabriel's hand made its way down Sam's side and over his hipbones, coming to rest at the juncture of his legs. With a conniving grin, Gabriel stroked his fingertips along the length of Sam's hardening cock.
"... well, you felt it."

"Wait a minute. You're telling me that whenever we kiss, you'll be able to, ohhhh"
Sam's words trailed off as Gabriel did that thing with his hand.

"Think of it as a magic horny button, babe. And it's alllll mine."

Chapter Eight: Wherever You Will Go

genre: schmoop, pairing: sam/gabriel, schmoop bingo (2010), kink: biting, kink: marking, kink: bottom!gabriel, rating: nc-17, fanfiction, supernatural, genre: pwp

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