The Supernatural Season 5 Gag Reel is a thing of hilarious beauty. If you haven't seen it yet, go do so. NAOW!
In other news, I'm working on about three different fics right now, which range in completion from "1300 words and counting, thank you very much" to "herp-derp-derp, I'm gonna write the buttsecks... ohwait, I need a *@&^$%# premise first."
I would share the pairings, but every time I do something like that, it jinxes me like whoa. If my brain decides to work again, you'll know soon.
I'm really frustrated by the relatively short lengths of most of my fics. It seems like my brain works best in the 1000-2000 word range, and I'd really like to be able to churn out 4-5k fics like so many of the wonderful writers on my f-list.
This is Srs Bznss - what if I'm not long enough to please my audience? What if I lack the substantial girth to provide a superlatively pleasurable experience? What in the world possessed Jared Padalecki to talk about jerking Jensen off and giving him a shot in the face?