Jun 01, 2011 12:22

The "OOPS! It was an accident" meme.

Not all things goes according to plan. This open meme is for anyone who wants to play out scenarios where things go wrong. Really wrong.

➔ Post a blank comment with your character. Other characters will come up and comment back with either a number or a blank comment. If it's blank, you'll be the one to roll. Hit up www.random.org/ and use the randomizer to pick a number between 1 and 11. Do this for each thread you get.
➔ Now match that number to the themes below and play out that scene!
➔ Have fun!

1. Spilling hot coffee. Maybe you're a waiter at a restaurant. Maybe you're chillin' at a friend's house. Either way, you totally spilled something hot into someone's lap. Well, how the heck are you going to fix that?

2. Gum belongs in your mouth. Some evil force decided to make your life miserable today. By some rare chance, your piece of chewed gum managed to get into that person's hair. Or maybe on their fur jacket. Or on their dog. Whatever it was, it's there, and it doesn't look easy to remove. Now what are you going to do?

3. Gluttony kills. You just ate that other person's super special snack that they had been saving to eat on this very day. I mean, you were sooo hungry! In your state of starvation, you must have missed the clear red print that said, "DO NOT EAT". Maybe you should try to replace it before they find out...

4. Bump, trip, crash. Okay, you just bumped into someone. Not so bad right? Oh wait, it's pretty bad when you realize you bumped them into a puddle of mud. Or into a water fountain. Or into a garbage can. Good job.

5. SMASH--was that glass? You were playing kickball or maybe you were just handling something fragile. Well, guess what? You just smashed something into pieces. Was it a window? An important vase? Might have been someone's head. Either way, that person knows whose fault it was. Good luck with that!

6. Bad sleepovers. For whatever reason, you and someone else are sharing the same sleeping space for the night! However, turns out you're the worst person to sleep with. Perhaps, you manage to kick people in their face while you're sleeping. Maybe you're a hugger. Maybe you're a hugger, and on top of that, you drool. You don't mean to do any of these things, but....well, what can you do?

7. The...perfect kiss? We all want that Hollywood kiss, but you're not getting it. While you were leaning in, you ended up poking your significant other in the eye. You had your eyes closed and bumped foreheads. Maybe you trip and fall on top of them instead...into a swimming pool even. So you messed up, but... maybe that's not really so bad.

8. Fire--wait, FIRE!!! Terrible, right? You were cooking and managed to start a fire on the stovetop. Maybe you were holding a torch in a cave, and held it too close to someone's hair. Just one thing's for certain. Fire is REALLY, REALLY bad.

9. Accidental Notes. You're sending a letter, confessing your love to someone or maybe you are sending out a letter to duel out back...but crap. You placed it in the wrong locker. You have to get that letter back, but HOW?

10. EXTREME ACCIDENTS! Wow, okay, you just managed to explode someone's house. Or maybe you filled his or her pool with jell-o. Or somehow managed to dye someone's skin green while they were sleeping. Maybe you managed to herd a hundred sheep into the school. These accidents are things you only hear about in the news, but it just happened to you.

11. Wildcard! You can double things up, or pick on your own. Whatever you choose to do, it's up to you!
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