well well well. here's the account of my day as specific as i can remember it. which isnt much.
woke up, was really tired, showered, went back to sleep, got to school late as a result. first hour was borderline torture. first of all, new seats which were just freakin dandy. then bowen proceded in reading outloud a one page newspaper article that no one cared about pretty much saying that german people think we're stupid. then he read through the entire exam problem by problem. definitely fell asleep. second hour wasnt bad, just math, easy stuff, but a lot of it. and mass confusion in the ranks. lunch was nothing special at all. then third hour was fun, cause we just did a packet all hour, and me and curt found the great fun in playing the rhyming game, and seeing all the words real or made up that rhyme with the word song. fourth hour, avoided doing more work that i need to do, and seemed to piss kelsey j off by telling her i had a gf. or maybe not, maybe she was in a bad mood already. after school was prom meeting, soooo frustrating, took forever, had to redo the plan, then calculate all the crap out for the budget report thing, and then proceded in forgetting part of it. then feeling stressed and frustrated, went home and took a well deserved nap. woke up, ate, and then laid on the floor and pretended to make snowangels. then chores, and now im here.
kinda had to do a bit of thinkin over the past days, just felt as if things werent right. things just seemed to feel too serious for my liking. i guess when u sit back in life and just let the river take u where it does, u cant be suprised when u pull over and see where uve been. if that makes any sense. well, it makes sense to me, and thats mostly all that matters. i think.
the one and only deet
Every story, tale or memoir
Every saga or romance
Whether true or fabricated
Whether planned or happenstance
Whether sweeping through the ages
Casting centuries aside
Or a hurried brief recital
Just a thirty-minute ride
Whether bright or melancholy
Rough and ready, finely spun
Whether with a thousand players
Or a lonely cast of one
Every story, new or ancient
Bagatelle or work of art
All are tales of human failing
All are tales of love at heart