Anyone wanna help me with something..

Oct 18, 2004 13:27

So I want an iPod really really bad...
and this site is giving them out..

I really want one and I really dont have the money to buy one (my auto insurance set me back a good 700 dollars, and the money I make from my job goes straight to i dont make money)

If you could just sign up under me and get a couple of your friends to sign up under you.. youll get a free ipod too. Its guaranteed. Here is the proof:

Here is my sign up link

Anyways, the easiest and the most painless offer to sign up for is Infone. It requires a credit card (Dont freak out, its not gonna get charged). But Infone only charges your card for the calls you make...if you dont make any calls, then you wont get charged and you still get credit for the freeipod.

I heard is also painless as well. Just make sure you cancel your account before the trial period is over. Cancel it.

EDIT: Go to to find out what the easiest offers are. But in my opinion I still think the infone was the most free and the easiest.

EDIT: Guys, the only way they are able to give out free iPods is through advertising. Fair warning: you may get spam. Sign up under a free email account. (Yahoo preferably, some people from hotmail have complained that they havent been able to get their account verifications)

Also if you sign up underneath me and you complete and offer, I'll send you a gmail invite. Gmail is Google's webmail service. It is open exclusively for invitation only. With it you get a webmail account that holds 1 GB of mail. Read more at:

Please guys, I really appreciate it..
Thanks to those that helped!

P.s Also if you guys could post my freeipods link on your livejournal Id appreciate it too.
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