i feel like a marshmellow

Oct 03, 2007 19:24

Things that make me feel like a marshmellow (and that feeling you get before you sneeze):

1) Kat asked me if i approve of her going after the drummer guy from the play she stage managed. This may not seem like a cuddly moment, but she actually cared about what i thought enough that before doing anything, she needed to know that i approved.
2)Mia thinks I would make a good VP of education/new member educator for AOII.
3)Alyssa's freak-em dress. Yeah, that thing is sparkly on top, super tight, and super short. Why am i not surprised? Could it be because this is the same girl who bought a purple corset and has a sign saying "Sexual harrassment will not be reported, but it will be 'graded'"?
4)Phone messages that go something like..."So I'm walking behind you and I don't understand why you're not picking up your phone...Oh, you're holding your phone...Ok, well I have to go to Spanish now. Bye. I love you."
5)I'm going home on Friday!
6)Midterms are over!
7)Switching Kat's facebook status when she left herself signed in on my computer.
8)Pictures of my brother with devil horn hair and the rest of it shaved off.
9)watching videos of cute babies in psych
10) My enviro prof's dry wit and her random stories about her 6 year old daughter..."Let's pretend I'm a puppy that can talk and has opposable thumbs!"
11) Reffing the dodgeball tournament.
12) Giving out cake on the plaza for free cake friday
13) Being trusted with secrets
14) Last Friday night, especially laying in the grass.
15) Speeches that start out with "So I'm not sure if I should say this so soon..."
16) Hot chocolate and holding hands

Thing that doesn't make me feel like a marshmellow, but is funny anyway:
1) Leigh saying "I think I heard a duck, but maybe that was just the bed."
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