It's about one moment... [ Open ]

Jun 23, 2011 20:33

Characters: Elaine and visitors
Time: Various
Location: Blackstone Hotel
Content: Someone had to know what the hell happened these past two months.
Format: Poster's choice
Warnings: This is the real Elaine - you will not get coma'd

Elaine looked out the window of her room over the quiet streets of Chicago, the pale and refreshing light of sunlight finally slipping from behind the clouds for the first time in months. So much had changed. Before it had only been a few days of her life gone - now it was nearly two months, lost in the hands of-

She stopped, a violent shiver passing through her. She knew her name, had touched that power. And it scared the hell out of her. No matter how much she tried to repress it and call up her own reserves of magic to battle that dark magic that had ripped apart her mind, a small voice in the back of her thoughts kept quietly whispering, we're going to die...

Elaine closed her eyes, pressing her forehead against the glass pane of the window and letting out a shaky breath that she refused to believe was a sob.

[character] harry dresden, [character] vin, [character] elaine mallory, [character] thomas raith

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