Beware the beast in black

May 31, 2011 23:47

Characters: Judas Liz, Terra, Linkara, stealth Mechakara
Time: Evening
Location: Between the Blackstone and the Bean
Content: Linkara comes running to pick Liz up, but it's not the Liz he knows and loves. PLUS aftermath with Mechakara.
Format: Prose
Warnings: Probably gonna get a bit violent, or at least very creepy.

That conversation could not have gone better. Judas felt rather proud of herself; the Champion fell for her ruse hook, line and sinker. She could barely contain her excitement; she couldn't wait to see the look on his face the moment she revealed herself.

She ducked quickly into an alley along the path he said he would meet her on, drawing Frostmourne as she thought her plan through. There was a chance, she thought, that he wouldn't come alone. He wasn't stupid, and it certainly sounded like there were plenty of dangers in this city, some of whom she'd caught a glimpse of on the way. Plus he always seemed to prefer safety in numbers. Well, she thought, if he does have a few friends with him, she'll just have a few more playmates. Iron Liz was still her ultimate target, but that didn't stop her from having fun along the way.

Watching the blade glisten in the fading light, she waited.

[character] judas liz, [character] mechakara, [character] terra, [character] linkara

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