Take Back the Bean Mission Thread!

May 13, 2011 21:49

Characters: Everyone Listed Here
Time: Night Time
Location: Various points around Millennium Park
Content: Vampires, thralled humans, battles and cursing.
Format: Prose or action is fine, stick to your teams unless you are a special case and you probably know who you are.
Warnings: Cursing violence and gore.

A Few Notes:

-Blampires are NPCs and you can ( Read more... )

!event, [character] shard bishop, [character] terra, [character] linkara, [character] john ross, [character] jennifer walters, [character] charity carpenter, [character] rarity, [character] rainbow dash, [character] galahad, [character] master eraqus, [character] skysong "kitten", [character] jason grace, [character] knives chau, [character] sam winchester, [character] kyoko sakura, [character] vin, [character] megamind, [character] thomas raith

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scarfandknives May 15 2011, 20:25:47 UTC

Knives had discovered the voice in her head didn't fancy the color pink. So, she did the only thing you can do with such information. Her bangs are now bubblegum pink and so were the pair of elbow gloves she was wearing on this outing. It wasn't like they were a stealth team!

There were a lot of shiny bikes but not any people, little creepy. Which... okay, hunting vampires in the dead of night. Should be a little more creepy than she was thinking it was. Knives did her best to ignore the man in the suit that appeared in her eyes. She tried to force his appearance to change to a pink Vegas showgirl dress but it wasn't working. ...it did annoy him that she tried, that's something.

Blink, blink, which was written by her head as she did it, "Hey I know both of you! No intro bubble!" Neat!


shard_bishop May 16 2011, 02:20:29 UTC
Okay. Shard still wasn't used to the sound effects actually showing up round Knives. But there were worse things that being placed on a team with her.

She had a couple of guns on her and the holy water, but Shard was planning to stick with her hands and blasts to deal with things. Her main concession to what they were facing was the new pendant at her throat, which either of them might recognize as the X-Men's symbol.

It was as close to a object of faith as she got. "Nice to see you too, Knives."


iamaman_punch May 20 2011, 18:38:38 UTC
Magic gun? Check. Morpher, along with the hopes that it would actually work this time? Check. Holy water, garlic powder, and other vampire-slaying implements? Check and double-check. Shirt with a Superman logo on it? Definitely check. It made him feel like Angry Joe, sure, but he couldn't think of anything he had more faith in than truth, justice, and the American way, and what was a better symbol of that than Superman? Plus, it meant his shirt might kill vampires, and that was always a plus.

"Hey, Knives, Shard," he nodded in greeting. He hadn't seen either of them for a while, sure, but it was good to fight alongside two people he was pretty sure could cover his back. "You guys ready?"


scarfandknives May 21 2011, 03:29:14 UTC

Knives, unlike the others, didn't have a symbol of faith. She just didn't really see how having one would be better than having a dozen really sharp objects she could cut heads off with. If you say 'This magic talisman will protect you' and 'you can kill a vampire by cutting its head off' she likes the other one better.

Especially because its more sporting than weird magicy shield stuff.

"I'm ready," Knives spun one of her blades in her hand, "... you two both have sharp things to, you know, kill vamps right?" The word swish appeared and vanished above the spinning blade in her hand, over and over as the tip swiped where the word was.


shard_bishop May 21 2011, 16:46:57 UTC
Shard grinned, bringing up her hand. An aura of power surrounded it before cutting out. "Don't worry. I can take their heads off. In my own way, at least."

She did have a knife, if it came down to it. But blowing their heads off seemed a far better way of handling things.


iamaman_punch May 23 2011, 18:48:03 UTC
Linkara couldn't help but grin as well, unholstering his magic gun. "Sharp things, explosive things...does it matter as long as it works?" No, he didn't have any sharp objects; having punched a vampire's head clean off before, he didn't really think he needed them.


scarfandknives May 27 2011, 04:24:55 UTC

"I'd bring stakes but I don't have a proficiency in them..." Knives very much believed in the classics. If you are going to fight vampires it should be with wood to the heart. If you can't do that then blades to the neck. Blasting their heads off is a thing to do to Zombies, not vampires. Can't anyone ever just stick to the classics? Classics are retro, and retro is fun!

"I know! Let's all keep count, may the best ninja win!" Knives didn't waste any time to rush out to find vampires to kill. She was totally going to win, even if the other two didn't agree to play!


shard_bishop May 27 2011, 20:21:32 UTC
Shard raised an eyebrow at the girl, then looked at Linkara. "Way too much caffeine," she said, though an avid connoisseur of coffee herself. "Try not to hurt the poor bastards working as human shields if you can!" she shouted after the kid, then started forward herself.

One thing about her concussive force blasts. She could control how hard she hit, too.


iamaman_punch June 1 2011, 22:58:21 UTC
Eyebrow raised, Linkara watched Knives run off. Just how many ninjas did she think she had here anyway? "I guess wings aren't the only things Red Bull gives you," he deadpanned, returning Shard's glance, then running to catch up when she ran ahead of him too.

His eyes widened as something flew over his head. A quick glance told him it was a bike of all things, and a muffled curse behind him told him it had been thrown. Of course, the curse gave him someplace to aim, and he didn't hesitate to fire off several shots in that direction, grinning as a pained yell echoed back. "They're throwing bikes," he called to Knives and Shard. "Some vampires."


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