Kiss a Wookie, Kick a Droid [Open]

Apr 22, 2011 00:00

Characters: Anyone who wants to see movies!
Time: The night of this post, probably around the beginning of March
Location: The Blackstone ballroom
Content: Star Wars and Indy! Basically, Let's All Be Insomniacs Together.
Format: Party style, player's preference
Notes: Tag around! Tag Linkara! Tag each other! Threadjack! Have a good time, guys - don't wait for my permission.

It hadn't taken much digging for Linkara to find the screen he'd used the first time around - two months and nobody had really thought to move it. Beyond that, setting up had been easy, and he had the first movie cued up and ready to go when people arrived - Star Wars first, then Indiana Jones. That ready, he took a seat in one of the rows of chairs he'd aligned and waited for others to show up.

[character] master eraqus, [character] jason grace, [character] amber, [character] linkara, [character] jennifer walters, !open, [character] megamind, [character] thomas raith

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