Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi - you're my only hope!

Jul 14, 2010 18:14

Characters: A bunch of time-lost folks and YOU!
Time: Late Sunday night
Location: The American Girl Place
Content: Trolls, hippies, and American Girl dolls.
Format: Action!
Warnings: Nonsensical 50s slang and mention of wars long since gone by

Another silly Star Wars quote here )

[character] harry dresden, [character] winry rockbell, [character] diva starr, [character] npc, !open, [character] rosette christopher, [character] molly carpenter

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outtabubblegum July 15 2010, 04:50:57 UTC
[Trolls, why did it have to be trolls. He'd been having such a nice day, and then just when he'd been about to get some sleep when he'd felt something major going on in the city. Now here he was freezing his butt off, sans coat, running down a street towards a couple people who looked like they had raided a movie set for their attire and a trio of beings who looked like they wanted to grind the human's bones to make their bread...or brownies if the tie dye shirts were any indication.]

Hey! Anyone who didn't pay the bridge toll get behind me now!


nowhere_winry July 15 2010, 13:57:36 UTC
Winry had found it difficult to sleep since the brothers' disappearance. She'd taken to wandering around the hotel at all hours of the night, catching sleep curled up in a chair, almost afraid to go back to the room she'd shared for such a short time with the Elrics. When one of the hotel staff mentioned 'more of those strange people' appearing, she'd taken off, wondering if, maybe, Ed and Al had come back.

Instead, she'd found herself chasing after Harry, nearly spinning out of control and crashing into him at the sight of the strangers...and the even stranger beings.

"W-what is that?" Her heart plummeted as she realized neither Ed nor Al were in with the group of strangers.


fightanddefend July 15 2010, 16:16:12 UTC
[Rosette had caught sight of Harry heading out of the hotel at top speed. She'd seen that sort of quick, purposeful run before, and it meant only one thing: trouble. One split-second decision later, she'd taken off after him, grateful that she never went anywhere without her holster - she might well need it.

That was when she caught sight of what had riled Harry and skidded to a stop next to him, gun already drawn and- damn, the other girl wasn't a fighter, was she? Rosette steps in front of her, just in case]

Nothing good.


secondcity_npc July 15 2010, 23:24:08 UTC
[Around the same time Harry, Winry, and Rosette run up, one of the members in the group - an Asian woman wearing a tan dress, a dishtowel still in her damp hands - notices the trolls and screams. The others notice too, let out shouts of alarm and fear, and immediately scatter.

The trolls make some grunting sounds, stagger closer to the group, and then they start moving at a pace that seems impossible for their size]


magiclightshow July 16 2010, 03:32:00 UTC
[Molly had been already outside not to far away, wandering the city visiting a few of her old haunts. That was, until she had spotted the trio in the near distance. It didn't take long for her to make her way towards the group and even less to assess the situation.]

What's the plan, Boss?


outtabubblegum July 16 2010, 06:01:19 UTC
[Well, this situation went to pot even faster than it normally did. Now Harry found himself with three additional teenage girls to look after, three charging trolls, six scared civilians, four calling birds, and probably some sort of horrible monster lurking in the pear tree.

Alright, time to do what Harry does best, think fast and pull something out of his backside]

Grasshopper, you take Winry and get to those people over there under a veil. Once you reach them, get everyone invisible and herd them toward the Blackstone.

[Turning to Rosette, Harry looks like he's not happy at all by what he's about to say.]

Alright Sister Calamity Jane, I hope you know how to use your holy handguns, because we need to get those trolls attention. Stand behind me and slightly to the side, and open fire when I say so.


nowhere_winry July 16 2010, 11:08:44 UTC
Winry had been in enough weird situations back home, she didn't argue with Harry. She didn't know who 'Grasshopper' might be, but considering the choices, she grabbed the wrist of the girl without the pistol and dragged her along toward the group of strangers. "What are those things?"


fightanddefend July 16 2010, 17:53:27 UTC
[Looks like they're big /and/ fast - worst combination ever. Add that in with panicking people and it's a disaster waiting to happen. At least it sounds like Harry's got a plan, and Rosette nods, checking the clip of Gospels in her Colt and moving into position. She's more than willing to be his backup - provided he knows what he's doing taking point, that is]

Okay, Merlin, are we getting their attention or taking them out?


secondcity_npc July 17 2010, 01:16:09 UTC
[If the trolls noticed that there was another group of humans quickly forming a plan of action just a few meters away, none of them took note. The largest of the three, its shoulders nearly as a wide as a small car, lifted its huge fist and slammed it into the concrete, splitting it and rattling the ground so fiercely a number of car alarms went off in some of the newer models and sent quite a few of the civilians sprawling to the ground.

One of the newly arrived people, a girl who couldn't have been any older than thirteen, whimpered as she hit the ground, only to let out a terrified scream as one of the smaller trolls grabbed her by her ponytail and began to retreat off into an alley]


beatdiva_starr July 18 2010, 03:35:52 UTC
[Starr had made the attempt to wait for J and Spin, but when neither showed up she headed out on her own. It felt like she was on a mission again, though she didn't have the back up she usually did. Starr eventually lost sight of the people she'd been following. But knew they had to be close]

Come on...where were you all running off to.

[Suddenly the sound of car alarms tipped her off and she turned her head in that direction]

On it.

[Starr ran in the direction of the sounds and found herself coming up behind several large trolls. Thankfully they didn't see her...yet...but it Starr saw them very clearly. Her eyes went wide with shock because she'd encountered a lot of things in her time...trolls were not one of them. She could tell from their Music that they were bad news and very hungry. Their Music was about as foul as their stench ( ... )


magiclightshow July 18 2010, 14:58:06 UTC
[There was barely time to nod before Molly was getting dragged off to the panicking crowd. Her leg twinged painfully at the sudden movement and she took a second to adjust her stride to something more bearable. In between scowling at her thigh, it doesn't take more than a second to get them under the safety of a veil.]

Those monsters are trolls. They're a type of faerie though bigger and smellier than most.

[She curses when the ground rattles from the shockwave, barely able to hold her balance while the ground near them splits. There's no time to spare a thought to the owner of the scream, holding hope that they'll be able to deal with that while she gets the others to safely]

C'mon, we gotta grab the rest of these guys before they become dinner.


nowhere_winry July 18 2010, 21:55:48 UTC
[Winry swallows, her eyes huge for a few seconds, then she shakes it off. There aren't any seconds to spare.]


[She wishes she had a wrench; something she could throw or swing to protect herself.

The girl being dragged into the alley screams and Winry thinks of Elicia.]

Can we help her?


magiclightshow July 18 2010, 23:08:22 UTC
[Molly glances back and forth between the girl and the other people in danger of getting nabbed themselves. She gnaws on her lower lip, trying to think fast enough to not waste precious seconds]

I can't do much but distract it, but that should be enough for Harry or one of the girls to get her. With any luck that should give us a few extra seconds to start grabbing the other folk as well.


outtabubblegum July 20 2010, 00:41:13 UTC
[Normally this would be where Harry would make some crack about how he hoped Molly was taking notes on Starr because he'll be dammed if that isn't how you make an entrance.

Normal, however, is when young women aren't in danger, and since one is anyone who knows Harry should be able to guess how he's going to react.]

Rosette, cover me!

[He's not even waiting for a affirmative before he's charging headfirst towards the Trolls. Mama Troll's already down from the car hit, so Harry's step two is to point his fist at Papa Troll and release every single kinetic ring he has on at once. Trolls may be stubborn and hard to kill, but getting blasted down about a city block will probably get it out of his way for the moment, and hey, subtlety is for people with time.

Once Papa's out of the way, he's going to make sure Baby Troll's not making it home for porridge.]

Hey ugly! Learn no means no or I'm sending you back home in little vials of goo!


secondcity_npc July 20 2010, 00:57:45 UTC
[The middle-sized troll didn't even have time to react to the sound of squealing tires - it hit against the hood of the truck with the sickening thud of shattered bones, rolling over the windshield, onto the roof, and then tumbling off to the side. It was apparently stunned by the impact, moving piteously in the street between two parked cars ( ... )


beatdiva_starr July 22 2010, 02:50:09 UTC
[Starr couldn't help but wince at the thud but was glad to see the troll moving way. That was one down...and Harry had the second it seemed. Starr kept singing under her breath since it kept her from freaking out all over the place.

There was more screaming but Starr felt like they were actually getting things under control. Starr notices Molly and Winry making their way towards the main group of people. Starr quickly turns the truck around and moves over to the crowd, rolling down the window so she can yell at Winry or Molly]

You girls look like you could use a lift. I have enough room in the back for your friends too if you want to help load them up. [she gave them a wink, although the way her hands were clutching the steering wheel might have betrayed her confidence. She figured if they could get most of the people onto the truck they could get out of here and off to safety]


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