A little bit of history repeating [Open]

Jan 09, 2011 16:40

Characters: Joan Girardi , Anyone
Time: One of the many January 5ths, late afternoon toward sunset
Location: Near Yawgmoth's hostel
Content:  Still adjusting to being stuck in Chicago, and wondering why the day is repeating. New girl not used to dangers of the city.
Format: Prose
Warnings: None really so far.

Joan had some warmer clothes now, even though she was still wondering what was going on around here. Between the recent weird dreams of something chasing her, and briefly seeing creepy scary Ryan Hunter again, and now the day repeating, she wanted to just find some kind of distraction. She jammed her hands further into the pockets of her coat, and walked along the street. Clearly, public transportation was out of the question, and she was missing access to a bus right now. There had still been no sign of God either, and He/She had left her for long intervals before. This felt different though. She moved one of her hands out to adjust the handle of her cumbersom tote and watched her breath steam in the air as she blew air through her lips in a slight huff. She wanted some answers really, but Joan didn't even know where to start. And the daylight didn't last long enough around here. She didn't like how dark it was already getting.

She had heard a little about some dangers in the city, but she should be ok right now, right? Especially if the day's just going to repeat? She had seen Groundhog Day after all.

[character] joan girardi, [character] knives chau, !open, [character] thomas raith

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