Characters: Everyone. Anyone.
Time: After sunrise, Monday
Location: Blackstone Hotel
Content: Disappearance of mystery magic black fog. Oh look, what's behind it? The Blackstone Hotel!
Format: Whatever
Warnings: Cursing, maybe.
There better not be Ewoks... )
Jennifer left her room and locked the door, heading down to the lobby of the Blackstone dressed in jeans and a warm sweater, her coat over her arm in case the Winchesters wanted to go out to find some answers. She might have also been wearing a little make up, not that it was a crime for a woman to wear make up...
Sighing, she sat down in one of the chairs of the lobby, removing her glasses and rubbing the bridge of her nose. This was all she needed. One more mystery having to do with magic. Perfect. Just perfect.
"He's going to be a few minutes and then he'll be down. His shaggy hair takes forever to wash, loves those fancy shampoos."
Jennifer nodded and leaned back in her chair, settling her glasses back on her nose. "Any theories on what happened?"
Dean then shrugged, "Not really, other than some serious magic hoodoo or something seriously freaking powerful. Heard one of the guys talking about fighting ancient gods before I got here?"
Jennifer adjusted her glasses. "I think it has something to do with the buildings that have been disappearing. It's just that this one disappeared with people inside it for a little while. Something is different this time, something that meant we were put back."
"So, they grab us, and put us back so it's supposed to all great now? And we don't have *any* leads on the building nabbing? How many are gone?"
"Please, please, PLEASE don't tell me it's more prophetic crap. Because I've had it up to here." He raised his right hand over his head to demonstrate before lowering it with clear disgust.
"It still means being some douchebag's bitch, and supposed to be retired from all of it."
He sighed, and glanced down at the paper, "The vague and unhelpful just goes along with it."
"We should speak to one of the wizards. See if Ebenezar or Mr. Dresden know anything."
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