Somehing isn't right here...

Nov 28, 2010 23:08

Characters: Roxas, Isa, Ventus and Axel
Time: Daytime
Location: By the bean.
Content: Roxas arrives in Chicago.
Format: Prose, at least to start
Warnings: Planned minor violence, potential Birth By Sleep spoilers

Fighting past Saix to get out of the castle hadn't been as bad as he'd feared when the man had turned up blocking his path. Whatever had happened in between then and now hardly mattered other than it being how he had learned that the Organization had to be stopped. Roxas decided he would figure it out later because now...

Now he had a problem. On his way back to the castle to deal with the Organization, he had encountered someone that he suspected his Other may have known, but he wasn't quite sure and it was beside the point anyway. The guy was barring his way and wanted him to go elsewhere. Refusing had lead to a fight, which Roxas was winning, but damn if it wasn't turning out to be a pain in the butt. It might also mean putting his own plans on hold because, winning or no, he was injured and he knew he wasn't going to be up to taking on the Organization this way. His opponent was the worse off and that left him with a small conundrum. If he just let this guy go, he'd probably be there to get in the way again. But, could he really kill him? Logically, he probably should, but there was another clue that his Other had known the guy. He didn't want to kill this knucklehead.

His hesitance would cost him. They had words briefly after a particularly rough exchange of blows and the other guy called him by a different name... and seemed satisfied with the response. He also seemed to realize he was between a rock and hard place and that was when he went for his trump card. Where exactly he could have been keeping all that Darkness, Roxas didn't want to know. He wouldn't get a chance to find out either. The demonic looking Heartless type thing hanging over his opponent's shoulder proved to be quite the threat. It was powerful and both the creature and its master were too fast. The thing caught Roxas up in one of its large hands and squeezed as though wringing out a kitchen sponge. Roxas wasn't sure which was worse: the crushing pain or the fact that he couldn't breathe, but soon neither was an issue as the latter lead to an almost merciful loss of consciousness.

Waking up underneath a large, round, metallic... thing was kind of low on his list of what he expected to happen next. Actually, it wasn't even on the list, but at the moment he was too hurt and tired to care...

[character] ventus, !closed, [character] isa, [character] axel

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