(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 20:46

Characters: codenamewiccan and anyone
Time: Evening
Location: In front of the Millennium park bean.
Content: Put one new wizard in Chicago, add snark, and stir well.
Format: Starting with prose but not adverse to action
Warnings: Moonspeak, and geekery. Not much unless you attack him then watch out for chanting and your socks on fire.

Billy came to wondering if he'd been attacked when he wasn't looking. Because the other possibility was he lost control...again. He pushed himself up with his hands and peered directly up a familiar landmark. One you could only find in Chicago. Last he checked no one else had thought of putting a bean in a park. Which lead him to question how he'd arrived in the city of the big shoulders. He'd been on the other side of the world peering down at a Doombot.

Had the Avengers caught up with the team? He didn't think Magneto would attack him when they were on the road to finding the Scarlet witch. In the young wizard's eyes he saw the man was trying to reach out to what family he had. Sure he was a former super villian, that hadn't escaped Billy's thoughts. He just tried to see the brighter side. For now. Speaking of the brighter side, he really hoped those craters were Cassie or Tommy's fault.

But, knowing his luck today it could be a number of things. Like Godzilla, or really ugly monster from Cloverfield. Or some big guy the Avengers called in to help contain him. He needed to get out the city. He tried to lend that thought into an action, but for once his powers didn't spring to his aid like they had been lately. ...that wasn't a good sign. Not even a sense of power rising. "...Huston we have a problem." He muttered and climbed to his feet.

Come to think of it, everything didn't look quite right. Billy focused in an attempt to get airborne and once again nothing. "This keeps getting worse." And now he was talking to himself. Beautiful. He hoped the rest of the team was alright.

[character] kitty pryde, [character] clare edwards, [character] billy kaplan, !open

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