Lions and tigers and I need a beer, oh my.

Sep 19, 2010 15:55

Characters: John Marcone and those who might run into him.
Time: Mid-morning, Sunday
Location: Heading from the bean toward the site of Harry's old office
Content: John is sure that the last time he saw Chicago it was in much better shape.
Format: Prose

You leave for five minutes. )

[character] john marcone, [character] axel, [character] john taylor, [character] mistress dahlia

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johntaylor_pi September 20 2010, 06:40:27 UTC
John Taylor walked with his hands in his pockets without a real purpose. He'd really hoped that stealing that statue would have solved something but so far nothing had really come of it. No benefits, no reward, just another free job. "Almost miss taking jobs from least that got me a pay check," he muttered to himself.

He wasn't too far from the hotel he'd been staying at. And while being in the sun this much was doing wonders for his complexion (honestly, you live in a place that's perpetually 3 am and see how great you look) he still missed the constant night life. It was saying something when you missed the Nightside.

John paused and felt himself looking up. He wasn't sure why he did it at just that moment but the fact of the matter was the guy passing by just now made him do it. He wasn't sure why until he watched him for a bit and realized that the way he carried himself reminded John and awful lot of Walker, the man who practically ran the Nightside in as much as anyone could run such a place.

True, his current clothes didn't make him look all that imposing, but John had a knack for reading people. After all, he was a detective.


salaryofsin September 20 2010, 09:24:40 UTC
John, for his part, wouldn't have lived long in the business if he couldn't notice when he was being noticed.

He looked over to the other man and tipped his chin in a rough nod, put on roughly half of a smile and half of the suspicious look of a small man in a big city being stared at.



johntaylor_pi September 21 2010, 05:05:46 UTC
He probably should have figured the guy would come over. Then again, some people ignored you when you stared at them in hopes of avoiding confrontation. This was not that kind of man.

"Hello. Out for a leisurely stroll," he replied sardonically. It was hard to tell if maybe John should have kept to his own business but it wasn't often (what with all the strange, semi-brainless citizens) that you saw a guy walking with that kind of purpose.


salaryofsin September 22 2010, 07:13:59 UTC
John held his ground, not approaching but not backing off. "Nice weather for it," he returned with equal wryness. "You aren't from around here." If the accent was anything to go by.


johntaylor_pi September 23 2010, 04:41:41 UTC
John hadn't really expected him to. At least he was being polite. Then again, Walker usually was too before he started issuing commands and offers you couldn't refuse. "No. I'm from a place called the Nightside. It's an underground part of London where normal goes to die." Hmm, that sounded like a good enough description for it. Words never really did a place like the Nightside justice. He smirked slightly at the description though, obviously amused by it.

"And you look like you know where you're going so I think you ARE from around here."


salaryofsin September 23 2010, 21:41:13 UTC
"The accent doesn't give it away?" Not that there was more than a hint of Chicago, and of Chicago's Little Italy, tucked into John's voice. "Yes, I'm from around here. I'm going to see our local wizard about the end of the world."


johntaylor_pi September 25 2010, 04:38:47 UTC
He shrugged it off, "There's that too. But I'm from abroad so it's not like I'm that great at picking up the various regional dialects." He hadn't met that many Americans before either.

John raised an eyebrow, "You wouldn't be talking about Harry Dresden would you?" John knew there were a few other wizards, but to refer to him like that when John knew Dresden was in the phone book...well there wasn't much of a guess involved. "Oh this isn't the end of the world. At least I don't think...It's much to nice for that." He'd SEEN one version of the end of the world...this was paradise by comparison.


salaryofsin September 25 2010, 05:23:21 UTC
"The one, the only, the in the phone book," John agreed; and it was extremely convenient that any citizen knew that Harry Dresden, Wizard was attached to his comma Wizard. The fact that John had a past with the ... firey tempered investigator was almost beside the point.

"And I'm sorry if I've over-stated the situation. It's all the people walking around with blank stares and the complete lack of communication to the outside world. For some silly reason it has me worried," he added, Sahara-dry.


johntaylor_pi September 27 2010, 06:17:11 UTC
"It's annoying and troubling but hardly the end of the world," John said, then paused and added. "At least as far as I know. I was always under the impression the end of the world would be a lot more messy."

He shook his head, "I don't think anyone has a clear enough picture to label what's going on. I suppose to some people's perspective the idea that creatures thought of to be fictitious roaming around is enough to make anyone jump to that conclusion. know a wizard so that can't really be the reason in your case."


salaryofsin September 27 2010, 06:20:26 UTC
"So it doesn't seem to you that we're a whole city drafted into a production of No Exit?" John quirked a brow at the Briton and shook his head. "Wizards I'll believe in if I see them on TV. I'll believe in fictional characters when I see them, too. It hasn't come to that yet."


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