Characters: Anyone interested in taking down a gigantic dragon
Time: April 16th-April 17th
Location: The skies of Chicago
Content: A giant dragon is perched on the Willis Tower. Operation Sky Battle has now commenced.
Format: Poster's choice
Warnings: None. No tag order.
The other lyrics may or may not be pertinent to the dragon sitting on the Willis Tower )
It may have been summoned by the fire, the heat of the battle. Or it may have been watching from some place further than even they could reach. But when it swooped from the sky, avoiding the furious dragon's attempts to drench its brilliant red-gold feathers in ice-water, it brought with it the rays of the sun.
It circled down to where the two ponies were still gazing up at the sky, bringing with it the promise of summer. Unlike its companion, there was no dark spell crushing this celestial guardian - for some reason, the dark magic that had woven around the hearts of the others had burned clear of the Phoenix.
He is weakened. He can be stopped. The words were more felt than heard, echoing in their hearts rather than minds. The Dragon is powerful, but under the Sorceress's spell is not the celestial guardian he should be. You can reach him if they fight.
Still, the phoenix was encouraging them to keep up the attack. Well, Jason wasn't about to argue there. He grabbed his sword and ax and started flying further up the dragon. The winds becoming much easier to control and direct without much thought. If he could maybe get to the dragon's head he could cause more damage. Even as he flew up, however, he threw lightning bolt after lightning bolt at the dragon. He felt as though if they could just get a few more powerful strikes in they could win. This could be over.
The Pegasus watched the gleaming bird with wide eyes, listening to its not-quite-words with an uncertainty. A spell? But then... "Oh dear. That's not right at all..." Her face screwed up. The poor thing... and everyone bullying it, without any other choice, oh, how awful. Biting her lip, Fluttershy gave Rarity along look, gulped, and managed to get herself into the air, shaking. "I h-hope this works..."
The battle in the air was far more than anything she could really keep up with, fire and lightning and machinery crackling around her. The dragon--the one everyone was fighting, that was, let loose an earsplitting roar, and she cringed.
"Ex--excuse me!" The great scaly beast didn't seem to hear her, but she waved a hoof in greeting. "Sir! Please listen!" Gleaming, furious eyes set on the speck of a creature. "I--I'm sorry, but--I'm sure you're very confused, and scared right now--"
A great clawed arm lashed out at Fluttershy, and with a squeak she dodged aside. "Ahh, I'm sorry, but please, just listen! We're all trying very hard to help you, Sir! You've got to see that!" She cast a wary glance around at the others in the air, with their terrifying weapons and powers. "We... we're all fighting to make things better. You need to see that, I'm sure you can break through this!"
She couldn't bring herself to scold the massive creature--he didn't even know what he was doing! But she could try to get him to see...
Rarity caught Fluttershy's look and nodded - if anypony could end this with minimal damage, it was Fluttershy. "You can do this, Fluttershy!" she encouraged. "I'm right behind you!" As her best friend flew into the air, Rarity realized that she wanted a way to make her promise count. Luckily, that way was approaching the ground - and breathing fire, true, but at least it seemed to be fighting with them instead of against them.
"Hello up there!" she called to the fire-breathing dragon, stubbornly reminding herself that she was doing this to support Fluttershy so as to prevent her voice from shaking. "You, with the beautiful red scales! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing me a tiny favor. You see, my friend," she pointed a hoof towards Fluttershy, who was already approaching the celestial dragon, "is going to try to convince that dragon to calm down, and while she is rather good at this sort of thing, she is also talking to a dragon who's been trying to hurt us. I promised I would support her, but as you can see, I don't have wings of my own. If you would be so kind as to give me a little lift, I would be very grateful."
Wait, Jason listened to Fluttershy again, was she seriously trying to TALK the dragon out of the spell? The dragon was surprisingly focused on her now and when it swatted at the pony Jason gasped, "Fluttershy!" Thankfully the pony dodged, which surprised even him.
Jason looked back up at the dragon and then to the pony. Yeah, the others could focus on attacking, there was no way Jason was letting this dragon hurt the defenseless pegasus trying to help. With a command of the air currents Jason dropped several feet in the air until he was hovering in front of the other pony, sword held out protectively in front of her. "I don't think he's listening Fluttershy."
"Maybe he'd listen if I gave him a little touch of fairy dust!" She told the two of them. "It should be good for breaking spells if I can get close enough to the dragon."
But neither of this was precisely what was catching Iskierka's attention at the moment. She was focused on something that most people would have found rather inconsequential, or at the very least not worth a second thought.
"Why are there diamonds on your flank, please?" she asked, flying lower yet. "They do not seem to be sewn on, like the ones on Granby's coats. Have you always had them?"
"Okay, I'll give you cover while you us your fairy you get close," Jason replied, figuring if she was going to be going TOWARDS the dragon then it would make more sense to give her cover. He then looked to the small yellow pegasus pony, "Be careful, okay."
The giant beast chuffed at Fluttershy's attempts to persuade it towards calm, eyes still glowing a dismal and ferocious red. Between the airplane zooming about the Tower and Jason shooting bolts of lightning at its head from his hands, the dragon was apparently growing more and more irritable. Silvery-blue scales gleamed against the fall of faerie dust, and it seemed to do nothing except provoke it into a furious rage.
Even as the tiny pony's words drifted to it and the constant barrage of attacks left nasty scorch marks along its hide, something seemed to change in the Dragon's mannerisms. It still growled angrily at their attacks, but the belligerence seemed to be fading. The Phoenix, which had been circling the ground several stories below, soared up to meet them, bringing the warmth that had vanished from Chicago with it.
The Dragon tilted its head to the side, as if listening to a question none of them could hear.
They are here, at the end of all of these things, to decide. Burn the spell for they have proven themselves more times than most ever will.
It was unclear whether it was the Dragon or the Phoenix who "spoke", but as the last of the dust settled into the scales, the enraged demonic glow faded from the Dragon's eyes into a pure, molten silver. It turned towards Fluttershy, Iskierka, and Rarity, snorting a puff of whitish smoke in their direction.
A stubborn mortal sort.
Just in case, she didn't lower the gun but kept it aimed firmly at the space right between the guardian's eyes.
She looked at the others, already knowing they wouldn't be able to hear her, and wondered what to do next. Maybe the Dragon could tell them where the witch was? They could end this once and for all, save Chicago and everything.
If the Dragon knew where she was, of course.
"So... How are ya feeling bud?" It was the first thing that sprang to mind when Stella flew around to the face of the dragon, giving a friendly smile.
The Dragon and the Phoenix shared a look, and then the Dragon appeared to nod its head imperceptibly.
Yes, I understand.
It unfurled from around the Willis Tower, its length nearly that of the skyscraper itself. The Phoenix dipped lower amongst the buildings of glass and steel. Thank you. But it is not over. You must be at Demonreach.
It all ends there.
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