Characters: (1) Nikola Tesla, Minako Aino, Alice Cullen, Megamind; (2) Jared Kincaid, Karrin Murphy, Shard Bishop, Robin
Time: After the Bean meeting
Location: Headquarters of Chicago Police Department
Content: The world needs to know what’s going on in Chicago.
Format: Poster’s choice
Warnings: No tag order.
[The boxy-looking building isn't too impressive to look at - its glass-and-brick facade is plain, efficient. Only the fact that a sign outside declares that this is the main office of the Chicago Police Department testifies that this rather ordinary building is anything but.
That night, a flurry of activity surrounds the CPD headquarters. Uniformed officers are rushing out into the streets and jumping into their vehicles, shouting into walkie-talkies that spout forth more static than actual words. Ordinary people are rushing into the building, trying to escape the chaos that Chicago has become and a few officers are trying to keep order, but every so often, they look to the north and to the Loop where steel-gray clouds are circling above the skyscrapers.]