5 Questions meme, for Ramirez

Nov 05, 2009 19:11

1) Hey, dude. How's the job going? You found a job WAY faster than I did. Do you ever get special advantages for anything because you're pretty? and what would you use it for if you could get ANYTHING? This is like 4 questions, you fucking cheater. The job is going fine. Tom's kind of a flake but I like him well enough, and the job is easy, and, y'know- I get paid. I get treated fairly well by women, a lot of the time, because I'm good looking. But for the same reason, men are quick to be pissed off with me, especially if I'm getting swooned over by girls at the same time. And because I'm not exactly a man's man- cowardly, in particular - I get in trouble for that a fair deal.
If I could use my looks to get anything? Probably lots of money so I wouldn't have to worry about shit like finding jobs.

2.) My less than happy girl feelings for her aside, *AHEM*, what’s it like having a kid with that harpy whore backstabber murderer killer demon perverted Freida chick?
Half good, half bad. Good, because she will take care of everything, and let me completely fuck off if I want to. I'd never have to see her again if I really didn't want to. Kind of takes the pressure off. Bad, because every time I get over I can tell she wants to rip off my clothes and have sex with me on the nearest available flat surface. Makes things kinda awkward, particularly when we're surrounded by her kids.

3.) Do you ever feel like, violently out of place? I get vamp graffiti from time to time, still. Anyone come after you with torch and pitchforks because you’re different?
Sure, but I felt like that even when I was around people who were like me. I just kind of don't fit in. I don't think anybody's specifically come after me because I'm a Lunarian. Other than my mother, that is.

4.) You seem pretty laid back for being all monk guy. What’s the last thing that happened that totally shook you up, in a bad way? And no using kids.
My dad used to beat me a lot when I was a kid. Ran into him recently, and he threatened to do the same, and for whatever reason, it scared me just as much as it used to when I was a kid. Not like I can't fight back now, but he makes me feel helpless. Realizing that was kind of a mindfuck.

5.) I’m thinking about getting a tattoo. Any recommendations? Would you come with me to get it? Would you get one yourself?
Uhm- no recommendations really, no. Other than you shouldn't get a tattoo that reminds you of things that you miss unless you're sure you're over them. I'll come with you, sure. Dunno if I'd get one. You have any suggestions for me?


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