May 21, 2004 09:01
"At last my father's soul will be at peace, there will be blood tonight!"
I had given this a great deal of thought. My first thought being my father, as he directed most of my actions from his final resting place for twenty-some years. Although I owe him a great deal, I do not believe I ever knew him well enough to call him a role model.
"That Vizzini, he can fuss."
"Fuss, fuss, I think he like to scream, at us!"
"Probably he means no harm."
"And he's really very short on... charm!"
"You have a great gift for rhyme."
"Yes, yes, some of the time."
So my thoughts turned to Fezzik. He's been through a great deal, and only seems to be better off because of it. If more people could be like that instead of becoming bitter and resentful, the world would surely be better. But then, I do not believe that I could call Fezzik's actions anything that I would care to do.
"No, not Vizzini, I need the man in black... He bested me with steel, he bested you with strength, your greatness. He must have out-thought Vizzini, and a man that can do that can plan my castle onslaught anyday."
My thoughts turned to Westley. Although he has been known by many names, that is the one his friends prefer to use. He is a true gentleman, and a very good pirate. I only hope I can be called the same someday.
"You seem a decent fellow, I'd hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow, I'd hate to die."