New Babbage's Maceholder, Mister Aeolus Cleanslate, speaks about this exciting new project:
The City of New Babbage is a consensual hallucination of a steampunk city in a time that never was. It’s built out of bits and prims in SecondLife (instead of bricks and plaster), but it’s as “real” a place as Paris or Mumbai. People from all over the world “go” there daily to build fantastic machines, fight krakens, and roleplay vast, open-ended storylines replete with mad scientists, street urchins and evil geniuses.
We also write stories. With a few exceptions, none of us are professional writers, and few write enough to generate complete works. But for all that, the stories are immensely entertaining and sometimes excellent. We’ve assembled pages and pages of them - and want to share them with the world.
Pre-Order Tales of New Babbage, Vol. 1 New Babbagers wishing to become involved should read this informative post!