Hello, there! I am very new to Second Life: I'm not even a month old at the time of this writing. Even though I know I have a tremendous amount to learn, I like it so far.
I've spent much of my time traveling to pretty places. I've also done some freebie shopping. I bought a few Lindens from the Exchange just so I'd be able to tip when I go dancing.
I've visited the
Virtual Reality Learning Institute in-world, but, to be frank, I didn't find that it answered the questions I had. I tried tweeting the person who seems to be associated with it, but didn't receive a response. I've Googled and tried the SL wiki, but either I'm not finding it or the info isn't there.
Here are my six questions (the first three have to do with land):
- I am considering a premium account. I know this comes with a Linden home. However, before I purchase, I would very much like to tour each style of Linden home in-world. I do not want to watch a video: I want to actually walk through to see what I'd be getting. :) Is there anywhere in Second Life that I can tour demo Linden homes?
- I understand that with a premium account, one gets 512m as part of it. Is that instead of or in addition to the Linden home one receives with the account? If the former, if one decides one no longer wants the 512, can one return to a Linden home?
- How big is 512m really? I have no sense of that size/scale in relation to any of the other buildings in-world. I'd love to see a chart somewhere that shows, drawn in 2D rectangles or something, "Here's is what 512m looks like on a map. Right next to it, here is 1024m on a map." Can one build a four story building on 512m, for example? Is there a height limit?
- What are your favorite places to visit in Second Life?
- What are your favorite places to shop for women's clothing in Second Life?
- What is your favorite Second Life blog?
Many sincere thanks for any guidance you can provide! It is greatly appreciated!
Have a terrific day!