I compiled this list because Gojyo and I were talking about “canons that could cross over,” and because Hikaru recognized Sakuraba. The ones that first came to mind were ones like Ouran, HanaKimi, and CLAMP Campus Detectives. But if you give a mouse CLAMP Campus Detectives he’s going to want to cross over with X-1999, and why the hell not? So the
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Trigun is a future Earth but couldn't share with, say, Les Miserables since Vash would recognize that as fiction. Same with other major fictional characters like Superman/Batman etc.
Firefly, now that I think about it, COULD share a canon with Trigun if not for the fact that they don't have PLANTs >D (that's idle)
Not sure if any of that is what you're looking for but it's what I got.
Batman and Superman are out because they come from a world in which the common person knows magic/superpowers exist -- clearly not our world. But for Trigun and Les Miserables... like I told Buffy, there's no way to say "Your canon is more real than his canon." I'm not trying to line them all up in a "they could exist" way (as fun as it would be to have multiple types of attacking aliens, four kinds of giant robot, and hermaphrodites all in the same world), just writing them up. But that does prove the general uselessness of this list beyond things like "the rich Ouran kids might have heard of the prestigious Sohma family," etc.
Wait, what are PLANTs in Trigun?
PLANTs are, basically, living power sources. They live in giant lightbulbs wich harness their energy which can be used to do just about anything (maintain/stop gravity, fertalize the soil, produce food and water, make giant ass ray beams, probably even manipulate the weather). They look like very organic female angels. Vash is an evolved version of a PLANT, he was actually born and can live outside a lightbulb on his own. He and Knives are the only known male PLANTs.
Huh! In SEED, PLANTs (Productive Location Ally on Nexus Technology or People Liberation Acting Nation of Technology. Neither makes sense) are giant space colonies that look like hourglasses floating around on a stick. They have solar panels for energy gathering and, uh, people live in them and make stuff. I have to wonder if that was stolen from Trigun.
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