Alpha's Magical Fic Exchange opens for signups on Thursday, October 2nd, at whatever time I get to work in the morning. I am super excited for it this year. (I already have my prompts planned out.) You should all sign up.
2-I nominated some completely ridiculous things for Yuletide.
Toku Ladies Podcast is going really well. We released our Morphicon episode, and we'll be releasing an interview (!!!!!) with Jackie Marchand (!!!!!!!!) on Friday.
3a-I'm still rolling my eyes at the dude who said he hoped our podcast would improve by being less feminist.
4-The last episode of Super Megaforce was really charming.
5-I no longer have a paid LJ account. It really is the end of an era.
6-I have watched so much football since the girlfriend and I started dating. I now support Auburn because of her.
7-Tickets home for Christmas have been purchased! I'll be home for a little over 2 weeks, the girlfriend will be there for a few days.
8-I have failed miserably at finding the current wave of PR toys. Alas.
9-I modded Sims4 and now I hate it slightly less.
10-How are all of you???? I miss everyone!
This entry was originally posted at
http://thesecondbatgirl.dreamwidth.org/860035.html. Comment wherever you want.