Jun 10, 2014 07:32

My car is dead. As in it refused to start at ALL on Sunday, and I had to leave it in my boss's driveway (I had gone to her place so we could head into Atlanta together to see Evita, which was mediocre and featured the worst Che ever) and by the time it finally got towed on Monday it got to the mechanic so late they haven't even had the chance to look at it yet, and it is PROBABLY the alternator or the starter or something, which is only a semi-expensive fix, but I AM SUPPOSED TO ROAD TRIP TO CONTXT TOMORROW NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Anyway, the wonderful girlfriend drove up here after work yesterday and bought me ice cream for dinner and cuddled on the couch with me and then we watched E3 stuff, so she remains wonderful and has sworn I will get to contxt even if she has to drive me herself. She is the best girlfriend. (Also, no, we are not engaged yet, although I did buy her a ring. Honestly I would marry her tomorrow except a) we can't in this state, b) my mother has threatened to kill me if we get engaged before she meets D, and c) we actually planned a date already for when we'll get formally engaged and move in together and do all of this properly because it is important to her. So fine.)

Cars are stupid. Work yesterday was stressful and stupid. There is not enough caffeine in the world.

This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you want.

job: library, video games, fandom: broadway, car, talking about my girl, contxt

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