
Jan 07, 2014 09:45

So, I finally got back home! Late last night. Well, I didn't actually get in THAT late, but then my luggage got lost, and it was a giant clusterfuck and everything sucks. And oh, my brother is STRANDED HERE because apparently Indianapolis is completely closed or something because its -40 out. So he is staying with me until THURSDAY and because I am the worst sister in the world, I dragged him to work this morning with me. I mean, he'll get to stay in my apartment tomorrow, but literally the only food in my apartment right now is some wine. So he's at work with me.

But in BETTER NEWS - Alpha fics are up!

Main Collection


I wrote Trini Kwan, Agent of SHIELD for eggplantlady Because clearly World Peace Conference is code for joining SHIELD. (Or Torchwood. Or some other organization.)

I have not yet read anything, but
pockysquirrel wrote me One Of Their Own which is an adaptation of the Gosei Knight gets brainwashed episodes of Goseiger, and I guarantee without yet reading it that it will be amazing.

I'd like to thank the pinch hitters - sailorsol, Hagar, Rivulet and QueenRiley, for being awesome and writing fics last minute. You guys are the best!

This entry was originally posted at http://thesecondbatgirl.dreamwidth.org/850478.html. Comment wherever you want.

job: library, family, travel, challenge: alpha

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