
Dec 09, 2013 22:20

I am in the worlds worst mood for a variety of reasons, most of which boil down to shitty health things going on which are seriously impacting my mental health and are making me not at all a fun person to be around. And the antibiotics that may or may not fix this are such that I cannot even have any wine. This is HORRIBLE. I would really like wine. Also a teleportation device because I would seriously sell my soul for someone to be on my couch and cuddle with me. Since I can't have that I have been watching MMPR: The Movie on repeat because Adam being sad about being a frog is almost as good.

Thank god I am off these antibiotics the day before I go to visit Pocky. If we couldn't drunkenly review every single Power Rangers holiday special I would CRY.

I ended up completely failing at nano (I did great up until I saw Thor 2, and then my month got eaten by reading millions of words of fic about Darcy Lewis.) (I am not exaggerating. Millions.) I have not written a word of Yuletide yet. I haven't worked on Alpha or Holly Poly yet. I am sure ficathon panic will set in soon and I will start writing like crazy, or at least I hope I will.

Megaforce has ended, and I am NOT OKAY with that cliffhanger. I need it to be time for Super Megaforce immediately. I have a lot of feelings about how them searching for RoboKnight at the end will play out in Super Megaforce. I am still holding onto my RoboKnight will be Barizorg theory. IF THEY DO NOT GO THAT ROUTE THEY ARE MORONS.

Today is my little brother's birthday. He is 25. I refuse to believe this, because part of me is still convinced he's 15, but I think I've managed to mentally age him to 20.

I go home in 9 days. I will get to spend time with each of the Lohrists, plus a nice visit with Pocky. It is a lot of being social, but it is worth it because I miss everyone so much.

Everyone else is doing this for December, but I am a failbot, so its going to be January instead.

Pick a date below and give me a topic and I'll ramble on. I'm good at talking. It can be anything from fandom related (specific characters, actors, storylines, episodes, etc) to life related to pizza preferences to whatever you want.

They will probably be brief, or not, depending on the subject.

Also, I reserve the right to decline prompts that I don't feel equipped to meet.

Topics: you can get an idea from my tags/from the stuff I usually ramble about/from things you maybe wish I talked about more but don't.

January 1: Jubilee for Caius
January 2: Favorite beverages for likeadeuce
January 3: anything you like about ReBoot for alphabet
January 4: Sherlock Holmes adaptations for doctoraicha
January 5: fandoms you want to learn about from your readers for sirvalkyrie
January 6: the best fic gift you have ever received. What fandom was it? Who wrote it? What exchange was it for? for sailorsol
January 7: best power rangers villain/baddie for frenchroast
January 8:
January 9:
January 10:
January 11: 10 fun things I plan to do in 2014 for bewize
January 12: your earliest Power Rangers memories for harmonyangel
January 13: magical girls & female rangers (both Power Rangers and Super Sentai) for sirvalkyrie
January 14: Care Bears for Yena
January 15:
January 16: why you picked your username for sailorsol
January 17: theoretical technology you'd like to have or would never want for PPP
January 18: Headcanon for a ranger who is not Adam for pocky
January 19:
January 20:
January 21: 3 crazy work stories for frenchroast
January 22: Recs on where you think a newbie should start in Power Rangers fandom for eldabe
January 23:
January 24:
January 25:
January 26: if you could meet any person, living or dead who would you meet and why? for sailorsol
January 27: What characteristics do you see recurring in characters you like? Why do those parts of the characters appeal to you? for Kait
January 28:
January 29:
January 30: favorite Starbucks drink for frenchroast
January 31:

This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you want.

fandom: power rangers, lohrists, friends, writing, fandom: mcu, gbp, meme, sick

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