Quick updage

Oct 02, 2013 12:16

So, life has been pretty crazy lately, but there are a couple of interesting things going on. And I'm doing a lot better than I was. (Sorry for all the whining, people on twitter.)

First - Alpha's Magical Fic Exchange opens for sign ups TOMORROW. It will be open at 10 am EST or really whenever I get to work in the morning and have time to open it. I am very excited, you guys! I hope that many of you will participate because its a ton of fun and I love running it.

Second - Two of my trivia teammates are getting married this weekend! They are super adorable and I love them both and I'm so happy for them. ♥ ♥ ♥

Third - In pathfinder this weekend, I destroyed a bronze statue with one shot from my longbow. I rolled a natural 20, the crit was x3 damage, and I rolled the highest possible damage. I will... never pull this off again, but damn, it was awesome.

Fourth - I am going to be running a Boukenger themed campaign! I am so incredibly excited for this. I have never been a GM before, but I ordered a lot of the books (and now I'm praying they GET HERE ON TIME AAAAAAAAAAAH) and I have all sorts of ideas and it will be a lot of fun.

Fifth - Nano is coming up! Eeep! Time to really start thinking about that. And writing my Power Rangers Day fic.

Sixth - I am so close to being done with the second group of villains in Goseiger. SOCLOSE. I should really keep watching more.

Seventh - Last episode of PRM needed way more Gia. And I am slightly incoherent with rage over the news that Nick and Saban extended their agreement until 2016. I guess we will never get more than 20 episodes a season and 5 month random hiatuses will continue. Because they hate us.

This entry was originally posted at http://thesecondbatgirl.dreamwidth.org/846017.html. Comment wherever you want.

fandom: power rangers, d&d, fandom: sentai, challenge: alpha, trivia, woe

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