How are they so adorable?

Jun 06, 2013 10:24

I may not actually be able to handle this. JDF is posting videos of the cameo rangers hanging out in New Zealand. They are ridiculously adorable. Hector is just a puppy dog flipping all over the place in the hopes that people will notice him! JDF failed to notice that there was a bridge so they had to wade through a river instead! No matter what happens in Super Megaforce, at least we are getting this nonsense. (THE GREATEST KIND.)

image Click to view

Seriously, now I want all the fic about how Tommy decides that there should be a nature hike and everyone is indulging him and the newbies are trying to impress the older rangers, and this is just the greatest.

In other news,
tsukino_akume and I were going to hold a Pink Ranger comment fic fest in honor of
psyco_chick32. Obviously there are 87 ficathons going on right now (and PR femslash starts soon!) Is there a time that would be good for everyone that we can do this?

Lastly, have a meme:

Give me a fandom and I'll tell you:

my favourite female character
my favourite male character
my favourite book/season/etc
my favourite episode/issue/chapter, etc
my favourite cast member
my favourite relationship
a character I'd die defending
a character I just can't sympathize with
a character I grew to love
my anti otp

This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you want.

fandom: power rangers, meme

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