
Nov 19, 2012 16:06

My voice is back! I can talk! (Mostly.) And I am feeling much better except for the occasional coughing fit and the still being tired all the time. And because of this (... and the fact that I'm broke) there is no way I'm going to make it to Black Friday shopping with
bewize but I am still going to her place for Thanksgiving!

And Saturday is going to be drunk!sentai with revieloutionne and
arrow and
gingayellow! We are going to watch Akibaranger, which I've only seen the first three episodes of, but it is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS even by sentai standards, and Rev keeps telling me that in another 2 episodes I'm going to look back and go "I thought THAT was ridiculous?!" But I mean. THEY ARE POWERED BY THEIR DELUSIONS. Majority female team! Yellow is a yaoi fangirl/cosplayer! It is ridiculous and delightful and makes absolutely no sense, and so far is a mocking yet loving tribute to the fandom, and considering everyone seems to love it, I don't think it's going to cross the line into being meanspirited? So anyway, if you want to watch the first three episodes (ask me if you need them) we're going to be watching (and drinking) starting immediately after Samurai. (... Does anyone know what time Samurai is on? I mean, they keep changing the time, so it might be imaginary.)

I've also been watching Shinkenger and sending ridiculous all caps flaily emails at pockythoughts but since it's making her write me ridiculous Samurai fic that she is totally blaming me for. I still have a lot of feelings about Samurai (which is part of why I'm watching Shinkenger now) to the point that I'm actually using my Tumblr, mostly so I can post all the gifs of Lauren being great and try to convince other people to join the fandom. (And that TOTALLY WORKED, because
wabbitseason wrote an adorable ficlet about Lauren and Jayden.)

Today at work has been vaguely ridiculous. It's been very fandom filled. Someone requested an Animorphs book, and when frenchroast stopped by the office, this turned into a discussion about the book (it's the one with rats) which led to me pondering what would happen if the Animorphs absorbed an Animagus. Would they get both forms? frenchroast says since its DNA based, they shouldn't, but they might get an ability like Tonks' metamorphmagus skill.

(Also, if my life was PR and Zedd was turning something of mine into a monster, it would totally be the microfilm machine. Those things are evil.)

I still need a Lauren icon. Has anyone made some yet?

This entry was originally posted at http://thesecondbatgirl.dreamwidth.org/830380.html. Comment wherever you want.

fandom: power rangers, job: library, fandom: hp, fandom: sentai, books

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