I had a pretty great weekend.
bewize came and crashed on my couch, and we had margaritas and vodka and watched all of The Middleman and some Gokaiger. It was nice and relaxing and pretty much an A+ time.
I also played way too much sims (whatever, I switched back to Sims 2) and wrote some ridiculous things and read some books, so overall it was a good weekend.
Since it is awards season (and I love the drinky!Oscars) this means I'm going to try again to actually write that fic where Tanya gets nominated for a bunch of awards and Adam has to go do publicity with her and he hates the paparazzi and then Ashley makes Tanya a dress. It is the most self-indulgent and ridiculous thing ever, and I wrote 1000 words of it this weekend. Yay!
Have a meme that I will actually answer (stolen from
"The one where..." meme: Tell me about a story I never wrote, (eg, "The one where Winry hangs out with Jubilee") and I'll write you a snippet from it.
The last time I did that meme, I wrote The one where Johnny Weir was a Power Ranger, so crack is a total option.
This entry was originally posted at
http://thesecondbatgirl.dreamwidth.org/808587.html. Comment wherever you want.