
Feb 17, 2011 15:38

Rec #1-You know how I'm always saying I'll read a million words of something except it doesn't exist? Usually about people talking about their feelings.

psyco_chick32 didn't quite write a million words of people dealing with their feelings after Tommy stopped being evil, but she wrote a lot of words! And they are all awesome! (There's a cookie monster! And Zack has ANGST. And Trini thinks they're all idiots and Billy speaks in Billy speak and I love it.) And you know my feelings on Tommy/Kim, but they are so absolutely REAL in this and it's wonderful. Read it here

Rec #2-You know what else I love? CRACK FIC. And muppet!Rangers is totally up there, and seriously,
angel_negra is brilliant and wrote it. Seriously, I love Muppets and I love Rangers and I love ridiculous crossovers, and her Adam!voice is AMAZING and this is perfect and hilarious. Read it here

Rec #3-pockythoughts wrote me Adam/Tanya WEDDING FIC. Rocky is the best friend ever, and this may be the fic of my heart. *MILLIONS OF HEARTS*

I still have 16 responses left on the valentines day drabble meme thing, I didn't forget them, I swear.

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fandom: power rangers, recs

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