First three drabble meme responses

Jan 20, 2010 22:05

Title: Mallrats
Prompt: Trini and Jubilee
Fandoms: Power Rangers and Marvel Comics
Word Count: 450

Jubilee had always loved the mall. Even if you didn’t count the brief period of time she had, you know, lived in one. She loved shopping. There was something thrilling about finding something unexpected in a store, or finding out that the outfit you coveted was suddenly 75% off.

Which was why Jubilee had convinced Logan that it was completely necessary for them to stop at the Angel Grove Mall on the way back from their mission. They hadn’t found the mutant they were looking for, as it turned out the Power Rangers were more like candidates for the Avengers than the X-Men and the aliens they were fighting were actually aliens, although they didn’t look like any species Jubilee had ever seen. But Angel Grove’s mall was infamous for having some major sales, and Jubilee was not going to pass that up.

“Thanks, Wolvie,” she said the second they got inside. “I’ll call you in a few hours, kay?” She didn’t even wait for an answer, just slipped off into the crowd.

She actually hadn’t gotten that far when she heard a voice calling her name.

“Jubilee? Jubilation Lee, is that really you?” Jubilee whirled around, and then relaxed.

“Kim? No way! I didn’t know you were here!” She was pretty sure that was Kimberly Hart, anyway. She hadn’t seen the other girl in years, not since they were in a gymnastics program together in Beverly Hills.

Kimberly fairly squealed, and gave her companion her bags, before running over to give Jubilee a hug.


They both started talking immediately, and Jubilee barely managed to catch every few words that Kim was saying as she was so determined to fill her in on a (highly edited) version of the last few years.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Kimberly said suddenly, and then she gestured to the girl she had given her bags to.

“Jubilee, this is my best friend Trini. Trini, this is Jubilee - we knew each other back when I lived in Beverly Hills. Jubilee is one of the best gymnasts I’ve ever known.”

”Coming from you, that means a lot,” Jubilee said with a grin. Besides, the other girl wasn’t a mutant.

“It’s a pleasure,” Trini said, extending one hand. “Any friend of Kim’s…”

“Likewise,” Jubilee told her.

Kimberly took back her bags. “C’mon, we’ve got some serious shopping to do,” she said, heading out.

Trini started to walk off with her, and then turned back to Jubilee. “Are you coming?” she asked. “If you’ve known Kimberly for a while, you must know what she’s like at a mall.”

Jubilee grinned. “I’m worse.”

Arms around each other, the three girls went off to shop.

Title: Nice Ass
Prompt: Nightwing/Jubilee
Fandoms: DC and Marvel Comics
Word Count: 250

“Nice ass,” Jubilee said the second she saw him. She really couldn’t help it. It was a really nice one, even better than Gambit’s, and he’d been voted the best ass of anyone on the X-Men. (There had been some major fights about that, after people had found out. Both Bobby and Jean-Paul had been really offended.)

She was sure that Nightwing was rolling his eyes underneath that mask of his. If you could even count that as a mask. It was just a stupid domino thing. Honestly, she didn’t even know why he bothered.

“What do you want, Jubilee?” Nightwing asked her, sounding more amused than annoyed.

She shrugged. “Wolverine is missing, and his last known whereabouts were Gotham City. So I’m just checking in, like a good little superhero while I go find him.”

Nightwing sighed. “Oracle,” he said, and then listened for a moment. “He’s on his way to Japan. We can get you on the next flight.”

Jubilee smirked. “Puh-lease,” she said. “You really think I need your help?” She held up a card. “I’ve got his emergency credit card. Finding Wolvie totally counts.”

Nightwing groaned. “Just try not to blow anything up while you’re here.”

Jubilee shrugged. “I’ll only been here for another few hours,” she said. “How much damage do you really think I could do?”

For some reason, it didn’t look like Nightwing found that very comforting.

Title: Best Laid Plans
Prompt: Bobby and Jubilee, not so fun facts of living with a bunch of other mutants.
Fandoms: X-Men
Word Count: 150

It had been a brilliant plan. Bobby and Jubilee had thought of absolutely everything. They had alibis prepped. They were sure that nobody had seen them. All they had needed to do was sit back, relax, and watch the chaos unfold.

They hadn’t really counted on one flaw in their plan. While most of the telepaths in the mansion weren’t going to pry into someone’s minds, well, not everyone was that polite. Emma and Betsy had both come after them within minutes, and it didn’t matter how carefully they had prepared their alibis - the truth was ripped from their minds anyway.

Still, it had totally been worth it, just for the look on their faces when they drank their morning cup of tea only to realize that it had been replaced by the cheap stuff.

fic: power rangers, fic: marvel comics, fic: all, fic: dc comics

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