i am thankful for...

Nov 26, 2005 15:36

my family who has been there for me through thick and thin, and who i've somewhat betrayed this year. i am thankful for them giving me a second chance, and loving me the same anyways. i am thankful for my little brothers, who are growing up so fast, i know i get irritated with them, but they dont jugde me because of it. they are getting SO big, SO fast, and are not the "little boys" they used to be.

my mom being cancer-free for 5 years. without her, i would literally be nothing. she is not only my mom but my best friend, and i would be lost in this world without her.

mistakes and being able to learn and grow from them. i have made some stupid decisions lately, but i am learning and growing from them every day. i am somewhat a "new person" this year, and i am glad that i have been able to become who i am,not who other people want me to be.

friends i dont know what i would do without them. i know that we have our issues and our drama, but we always seem to work it out and i am glad that i have you girls there for me.

second chances with boys, with family, with friends, with whatever. i am glad that my life is the way it is, and that my life is the way it is today.

every event this year, and all of the people in my life. i wouldn't change anything about this year, because to me, thanksgiving isn't a day to regret, but a day to relive, and be thankful for everything in my life.

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