Jun 09, 2005 20:19
I have an extreme irrational infatuation/fear of zombies. I have stood on my back deck, smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer, and estimated how many zombies it would take to get into my home, where the best place to be in the house if we needed a quick retreat and how to store food/water for the upcoming zombified apocalypse. I have gone so far as to rate my friends on a save-ability chart where by I could quickly judge which pals would be good to save and helpful in fighting off the zombie horde and which would be better suited for calling later on the phone to see if they made out okay. I've seen every Zombie movie made and have devised schemes based around every possible infestation whether it be Brain eating zombies who can only be killed with fire, People eating zombies who can only be killed with the brain shot, or Alien mind control zombies out for world domination. My girlfriend has become so sick of my running my zombie scenarios by her that she wouldn't let me buy either of the resident evil movies. It's okay though, I taped them off HBO. But still this is becoming more and more the obsession of the day. Oh and sharks. Sharks are frigging scary.