Night on the town?

Sep 22, 2006 03:52

Okay.... first off, we're skipping over a few VERY key entries yet to be written... I hope to post these later. But on to current events:

[It's late, excuse the mess.]

Went out with a couple boys from work tonight. Ended up having a great meal, and then went for a few drinks where a couple of Memo's friends showed up. They both were pretty much smashed and almost smashed their jeep into a parked car apon showing up. This part of the night basically consisted of one talking about how he's the 'man' of his relationship and how he smacks his bitch around if food isn't ready when he gets home. This was a bit awkward to deal with cuz I wanted to tell him off, but the other side of me was calling bullshit and i know he's just all talk. He did have some funny things to say and ended up somehow calling a group of girls to our table that could OBVIOUSLY hear the shit he'd been spewing all night, since he was basically yelling. This says one of two things, girls can see through bullshit and yet are somehow still attracted, or 2, they can't and what the fuck are they thinking. Wondering why you pick up assholes? you walk right up to them and pull up a chair... ANYWAY.... they left pretty quick thankfully, the conversation stayed on gilrs for a bit tho. One of my coworker's view was Aim for a wife-type girl, and then go fuck around with hot chicks behind their back. What they don't know can't hurt them type stuff. Again... I felt a bit out of place, but I wasn't about to say anything, and as soon as we got off the subject, it subsided. I'm not saying i'm a saint or anyhting, but I'd like to have a bit of faith left for relationships. (for some reason I feel like laughing at myself for that one. Wee for being optimistic!)

[side note: my workplace is FUCT]

I had myself read by Memo, (we did a group thing) I got the run down of how I come off as a person. I like to know how other ppl see me. I'm more interested in the bad so I can better myself, but I got a mix of both. I can't remember the way he said it, but he's what I took from it. I'm a friendly person, mellow, but I keep everyone at a distance unless they go the extra mile to be outgoing or very friendly with me. (which seems very true, and said in a way that i've never before really noticed. The distancing thing got me thinking a bit) The other was that I lock up when someone upsets or hurts me, which I don't REALLY have any issues with at the moment. It's true as anything I know, and I DO keep things in a bit sometimes, but I stand up for stuff when I need to... at least enough to be okay with it. There was a bit more, and it was all worth hearing cuz you can't get where you want to go unless you know where you are to begin with. Cheers to self improvement.

Somehow over the night we ended up at a strip club. Wasn't my choice but on the other hand I didnt' really object. It was one of the guy's first time being, so it was an event for the group. The girls were beautiful, but I didn't get the least bit turned on. Had a few more drinks... I tried to buy them both dances, but ended up missing both girls they were eyeing. They'd bought me a few drinks by then and I figured I'd be the least I could do. I was also going under the mentality that if I bought them a dance, it would get me out of them buying one for me... which I didnt' want. I didnt' want to go, I'd feel fuct up like there was something missing. I guess I want something more (meaning maybe)... I wanted them to know it too, but i wasn't gonna kill the 'mood' ('mood' in a strip club, lol wtf.) It was a go with the flow type night anyway.

Money is bullshit btw. < i'll get to this later i'm sure

I gave 4 bucks to a homeless man writing poetry on a walkway in the market... He tagged all his work 'crazy dave'. I spent a few minutes reading over his stuff. He said it was for sale, (he had stuff written on cardboard) but some of it was decent and I decided to leave it for other ppl to read. It made me feel something, but I'm not really quite sure what. I wanted better for him altho loose change won't do much difference. Actually...I wanted better for everyone.

I walked home from the 97 route, I had a bit of time to think about things. ^ that's most of it, the rest i'll keep rest inside for now.
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