uhhh oh

Apr 18, 2006 01:10

I don't know what I'm going to do when I leave this place. It's the only place where I can be obnxiously loud and annoying, and still be overpowered by 10 other people, and no one cares.
I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my whole entire life than in the past week and a bit. I don't think I've ever heard anyone threaten to pee in their pants they're laughing so hard (don't worry, not me). Lima beans were never this funny, and naming people's butt cracks and talking about trucks was never more appealing. It has never been so convienent living with all your friends. Trying to concentrate on studying, being interrupted and then trying to pretend to be mad. I can't go twelve minutes napping without waking up or being poked "yooohoo, big boy, wakee wakeee". I don't know how I'm going to live through four months of not being surrounded by people constantly, even when I want to be alone, they are always there to talk my face off until I forget what I'm upset about. Who am I going to cause scenes with in every resturant in antigonowhere??
I am excited to come home. The drama here is heavy at best, and people are always stirring up shit. I can't wait to see everyone.
Alexa's ex-boyfriend has been threatening again. I am afraid for her, I don't think she understands that his behaviour is something to be worried about. He's making passes at me now too apparently, which is a wee bit scary. Afterall, apparently I am a Stfx Pig-whore. Hahhaaa. Oh my.
I think I'm drunk off tiredness.
PS Derailed is a good movie. Clive Owen is sexy.

And I love you all.
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