
Jul 01, 2008 04:57

The formula turned out to be pink. I didn’t expect for it to be pink. If I had a choice I guess I would have made it silver or something but I didn’t really put the cosmetics into perspective.

I guess this is kind of a one shot deal. Part of the procedure was a bit of an accident and I’m not entirely sure I could recreate that exact situation again. A half eaten bagel partially soaked in coffee falling onto the petri dish doesn’t exactly scream confident exclamations of eureka within my heart, but within my head it seems to have turned out fine. Perfect in fact.

Homosapiens Novus is a vast leap of evolution due to a still uncertain catalyst. Does creating an artificial catalyst to help that leap along make me a bad person? Does it make me greedy? Does it make me Terragen?

I draw the syringe, the translucent fluid shines cerise through the stark lighting of the sick bay. I peel back the eufiber to expose my torso, squeeze the syringe so there’s a tiny splash of serum emitting from the needle. I don’t like needles. They hurt. I’m not the biggest fan of pain. But I’ve gone through the theory a thousand times, one sharp stab, with enough pressure to penetrate the sternum, then inject the serum directly into the heart. You’re a Nova. You can take this. You’re not going to die.

(And most of them won’t care if you do anyway)

No more procrastination, one swift action.


The fluorescent light over exposes in my eyes until all I can see is light... I refocus. And someone is standing in the doorway.

The complete lack of understanding in his eyes proves only one thing.

I’m not a very good boyfriend.
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