May 14, 2007 15:45
It seems like I am always sick. Once I get over an illness another one comes and attacks me. This morning I was totally pilled during school. I am drinking green tea with honey in it trying to be able to talk because I *HAD* to smoke and now my throat hurts so bad I want to fall down and die. I am sick of being sick. xD
The morning was spend wandering aimlessly throughout the hallways because nobody I knew was there today... Well there were some people, but I wasn't in the mood for people. I started writing a story today though. I will probably post it later. It's not fanfiction or anything like that, it's kindof a horror story I would say with a bit of mystery to it. Who knows, I'll find out sooner or later I guess.
Now I'm going to go back to reading The Rum Diary and sipping my tea. Then maybe sleep a while and finish that story and post it later today.
the rum diary,