Cammy Hammy Ham. Yar.

Apr 20, 2009 19:38

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Stunningly accurate.

I've got a job interview next Monday at 1:00PM for the SS0G Digital Copyright Compliance Coordinator position, so... that'll be fun, right? My expectations are low since I know only wee nuglets of PERL, but I like meeting people, plus establishing my presence with UIPO may be to my benefit in the grand scheme of things. Who knows?

Speaking of scripting languages, I need to get crackin' on the new print server for AIT. I have all the parts to get it together now I think, just need to cobble them together into the Powershell-equivalent of a hobo jacket to appease those who have commanded it from on high.

This isn't helping me get that done. Blargh.

hopes, cleveland, huey lewis and the news, interview, obama, dreams, powershell

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