Homemade Chicken Dumpling Soup and Lowes.

Sep 01, 2008 22:58

Most of the rest of the weekend was uneventful...Made homemade Chicken dumpling soup with the crock pot..and I am still eating it and now sick of it...Invited Kathy and Thomas (Alans stand in God Parents) to dinner, first time she called me and left a message that they were busy and I would not be able to get them til later on Monday. Tried again and never heard back from them...Thats just not like them...To turn down dinner.

This weekend I also discovered the hood over my stove. The one with the light and fan it it...had a filter in it? OMG, ok that was the orginal hood. It matched my new stove they put in about 12 years ago. So they left it and I did not have to replace it. The 15 watt lightbulb that was up in there finally blew out...finally after god knows how long. So I went to remove it and clean the cover over it with hot soapy water. As I looked up I saw a clip over the screen for the fan. I was curious, so I upclipped it and found the most disgusting filter ever underneath the screen. (No wonder why the smoke was backing up into my house, everytime i used it!!) Good it must of been in there like...Uh...40 something years. EEWEEEE...No one ever told me there was a filter up there...I thought it was just a fan???!!!? I removed it and called Lowes and found out they did replace it. Since they closed in an hour and it was Monday. I ran down there with Alan and the same guy who answered the phone in that department, helped us with the replacement part. Also helped us find the bulb. Then we went over to see if we could find something to divert the water from underneath my crawl space. The last time water got under there, (from the recent flooding) I smelled wet dirt through the vents all over the bottom floor of the house. I think the moisture barrier was ruined when they did the work underneath my house for the new airconditioner vents. I am worried with the approaching hurricane or tropical storm or whatever it will be...we are going to have the same problem again. I am also afraid of foundational issues. I still did not find anyone with a ladder tall enough to nail the back gutter back on. I could rent a ladder from one of the home improvement stores, but they want $25 for rental and $50 for drop off and delivery. Which sucks...I dont know anyone with a pickup truck that could get it here and back again either avoiding the other fees. So it would cost $75 for someone put a few nails in my gutters. ARGH!!! So in Lowes, I found a big sheet of pleated plastic roof. Big sheet...$19.99. I tried to pull it out and could not. Alan said let me do it and do you know the kid got it out. He picked up the other end and helped me carry it to the front!! OMG, he is strong. (They said that Autistic kids are) As I paying for everything, Alan saw this girl come up with some Gator Aids and helped her stock the little refriderator by the cash register......He said this was the best job I ever had. I had to laugh. They somehow got the thing into my car by rolling it up and sticking into the back window into the front seat. Alan sat in the other side of the back of the car. We got it home and I could not get it out of the car and Alan pulled it out for me, helped me carry it around the side of the house and shove it over the fence. Then he went inside and even fed the cat...wow!! That was amazing!!! Tonight he told me he loved me...God I have not heard that in so long. It was nice to hear...Anyway..more on the FOP>>>
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